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Comment Re:i always thought this was a good idea (Score 1) 245

Bounties only work if they are absurdly high. And if people going for them actually have a chance to get the bounty or a part of it.

It does not work when you place a mere one billion bounty on the production of a new drug, when research cost is far bigger and five or more companies burn together tens of billions to compete over that single billion bounty.

One gets the bounty and has still to cover half of his costs by himself, the others have to write it off.

It would make much more sense to have something like the old jap. MITI (before the USA forced Japan to shut it down) where all interested parties _have to_ research together, exchange their research results and get 'equally' funding from the ministry until they have results. And then they get released to the free market where they can compete on production costs and get taxed accordingly so that the ministry gets its money back.

Comment Wrong on many concerns (Score 1) 245

a) antibiotics are usually expensive. A packet with 7 pills for 7 days easy costs $100, so there is plenty of money to make considering production costs of such chemicals is lower than the cost of the paper and plastic box they are sold in.
b) antibiotics are not 'developed' like software or engineered like a house or an engine. You basically only find them by trial and error, either by trying new substances or by modifying existing ones. Yes, there ar more modern approaches as we know more about cell biology, where scientiests try to predict which 'chemical' might have the desired effect, that narrows down the field of trial and error and perhaps can be called 'developing'
c) actually all pharma concerns are working on new antibiotics, they might be greedy but they are not idiots (there have been some /. articles recent years about that)
d) the problem is man made, can't be so hard to 'clean up' hospitals properly to kill MRBs ... the multiple resistance is man made, too. To much antibiotics in lifestock breeding, to much non superviced usage in humans, who either don't take the prescribed dose, or when the child suddenly is ill as well, give the rest of the package to the child or when they find a two years old rest in their 'drug depot' they throw it into the toilet or into the ordinary waste bin. On top of that there was a time where doctors prescribed antibiotics for everything, often two simultaniously.
Bacteria get resistant because they survived one onslaugtbon them with antibiotibs. Can't be so hard to grasp that, kill them all, take the whole package, no survivours, simlle! (Yes, I simplified)
e) extremely mediocre standards of water cleaness, especially in the US. Clinton made a bill about improving the water infrastructure so that you safely can drink water from the tab, without fear to poison your children with lead or arsenic or having rests of oestrogene or medicals in the water. The next president canceled the bill (no jdea if his family owned water 'production' plants). I doubt there are many places in the US where tab water would pass as drinkable under European legislations. Btw: water is as close as in 'free' in europe as you can get. My waterbill per YEAR is $300 (for two persons, would not wonder if it is even lower as it is combined with the waste, taxes and some other minour stuff). And it does not contain even the slightest trace amount of an antibiotic or oestrogen!

Comment Re:Nothing important. (Score 2) 203

The CoR books/reports are not about overpopulation per se but about scarseness of resources, polution etc.

So the main problematic zones are not random nations with a high population growth but a few specific nations that consume most resources of the planet, notable the USA.

Regarding a total collapse, I doubt any developed nation can weather off a total stop of oil, coal or other imports. Most international long distance trade is done by ships. Granted they burn stuff that does not really count as oil, but if the US don't get relevant resupplies from germany the carrier fleet is down in less than 3 month, actually 6 weeks is more correct.

Comment Re:Nothing important. (Score 0) 203

Actually they are not.
The one who are vaccined survive. The ones who aren't risk to die. The problem is for the minority of children below roughly 12 month, they are to young to be vaccined and if they catch the desease they might die from it.
Everyone who actually is vaccined does not need to bother how many others are vaccined. Except if it is the postman, the milk man and another important servant who suddenly dies from an easily preventable illness.

Comment Re:Nothing important. (Score 1) 203

Er, no.

Mankind did stuff to 'prevent' the dooms day scenarios of the CoR. Hence the probably date of no return got postponed.

Obviously some nations did not do enough, e.g. looking at the drought situations in the USA and the general farming situations where the draughts are not 'that server' yet.

The idea that the CoR needs money and posts doomsday scenarios to get funding is retarded.

Perhaps you should read one of their books and try to understand them. You certainly have a friend who can help you with difficult parts.

Comment Re:News Media (Score 1) 110

Sorry, I believe you are mistaken about the US versus UK difference in linel laws.

Of course intent or 'objectivity' matters in both situations.

Not sure about the crews, I would not call them crew, but settlers. If they are selected today and start in 10 years, what is the problem?

They need to be trained anyway. As much as I believe in my out door survival skills, I doubt I have the knowledge required for a sandy/dusty low gravity nearly no atmosphere environment regarding safty for my suit and repairs for habitats or other relevant technology.

Comment Re:Yes, Haber's life is an example of that irony (Score 1) 224

Perma cultures are not used for wheat.
They are used for fruits and vegetables.
After all you want to drive around with a harvesting machine to harvest wheat.
Also: bushles? In what age do you live? What is a bushel? How many breads can you bake from a bushel? Just kidding I can read that up ... but who in his sane mind uses bushels as a metric for wheat yield when every harvesting machine simply strips the grain out? (Which is measured in tons per acre)
The term bushels I only know from

Comment Re:do you want exodus? (Score 1) 145

I don't live frugal. Actually I spent to much.
But a 3 month gig yields me something like 45,000 Euroes, after taxes that is still 33,000, actually a bit more. (If I only work 3 month a year).
Usually I work a bit more, and some years up to 9 months, so I have money stached in my Ltd company which pays my 'wages'.
Now I stay in front of the hard decission to work for a mediocre, not bad but not good money either, for a 15 - 24 month contract.
The fact that it is for my very first contractor for whom I worked 20 years ago makes it tempting. The fact that they pay 10% less then I'm used to charge, and that it is minimum 15 month, makes it disgusting.

Comment Re:News Media (Score 1) 110

No, they aren't. For example, US law requires "actual malice" (intent to harm or willful neglect) in the uttering of such statements while in UK law one merely needs to show that the statement is defamatory.
Actually as a non native english speaker, and a layman, I don't see a difference between the two.

But they have not been tested on Mars.
Sorry, the stuff we sent to moon was not tested on the moon, but in vacuum chambers. That should be enough for Mars stuff, too.

Because they talk about such things when they do them.
So they have not started yet. What about tomorrow?

Comment Re:Germany and the politics of abundance (Score 1) 224

You should not focus on germans.
First of all 1990 is not 1914 or 1939 (or 1933 if that matters) and secondly any other nation could have started any of the two wars. Strictly speaking WWII started in asia anyway and germany only opened the fighting in europe.
At that time, and we still have similar attitudes, but people try to accomplish that with other means, people believed the stronger can simply take from the weaker. That is called fascism.
At WW I the excuses where insults to the various majesties that could not be left 'unpunished'. The king of england, ir was it Victoria? ( to lazy to look up) was actually a cousine if the german emporer. Nevertheless they went to war.
I saw an documentary like 19 years ago, there was an like 90 years old german lady interviewed about her perception of WW I.
She said like: """
When the war was about to start, everybody told us it will be over in three weeks. (Likely because of the remembering if the french/german war around 1870)
They told us neither the frensh nor the britts can fight.
They are no match for a proper german soldier who loves his emporer.
They told us the britts will come, and after 3 days they miss their cricket, their polo and their other sports and want to go home.
The french would not even fight, because they are so obsessed with fashion. And most are gay anyway.
So the interviewer asked: "And you believed that?"
The lady: "Of course! when you saw a soldier it was a dashing german or an austrian one! If you saw a britt it was in a (sports) magazine, a guy in tweet with an umbrella looking important. If you saw a frensh it was an feminin looking guy in a fashin magazin, with a scalf in a strange colour. No one believed they would put up a fight and 'dig in' in the western frontier"

Wording partly by me, except for the sports the fadhion and the gayness.

People at that time (and actually still today) did what they thought they can get away with. Russian / Turkish war, war against the turks in north africa/levante/arabia. Expanding to the east drawing germany etc. into war. Genocide against the armenians, spy phobia with lynch mobs against any 'foreiners' all over west europe. Slight shifting without any distinguished interruption via itallian fascism to spanish fascism to german fascism to WW II.

There is no difference in Japan. Or if China had been industrialzed earlier instead of being kept down by britts, americans an dutch, they had attacked the rest of asia.

All that Euthanasie crap, was invented in the USA. Well established law there. Abolished decades after WW II. After the americans realizes to what ends it had lead in germany.

Resources, Lebensraum? That was a lame excuse for having a mindset from the late middle ages but having the tools of a modern world.

And it is happening again. Right here. Right now. With Gene food, patent laws, trade agreements farmers in third world countries get driven into suicide or bankruptcy. The big american food companies buy the land and employ the 'survivors' for slave wages and bribe/lobby the governments preventing them to introduce minimum wages and/or environmental laws. In a few decades the lands are destroyed, just like the dust bowl areas in the USA are about to be destroyed. And then, they go forward to the next country.

What else is that than thriving for 'Lebensraum'? Destroying nations without weapons, using money, bribery, international organizations as war machines?

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