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Comment Re:And now why this can not be done in the USofA (Score 1) 317

That is how you do an economic analysis on a sunk cost. If revenue is greater then or equal to ongoing costs you keep it running. Duh.

If the river system contains migratory fish, you calculate damage to fisheries as part of the ongoing cost.

Most small generation doesn't feed into high tension distribution. Just the local substation. System reliability is an important concern.

Comment Re:Here's MY test (Score 1) 522

Anything that discourages visible girl nipples is a bad thing. Don't harass her, figure out who shes tarting up for and stay out of his way. Don't cock block.

Of course if the nipples are hanging at waist darkness fixes a lot, but that's a judgement call.

Comment Re:And now why this can not be done in the USofA (Score 1) 317

They still did an economic analysis, but based on the water diversion already being there. The generators and lines were not free and likely would not have been constructed to lose money.

Local power has it's value, especially if the lines are unreliable. The alternative may remain a diesel generator.

What you're really looking for is the old ponds, just spilling. They still prevent migration, but were never worth electrifying. Hopefully they mostly flooded away.

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