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Comment Re:So they'll just add (Score 1) 249

thaylin said:

according to the ruling, which I have read most of, you would have to prove the data on the phone would be an imminent threat, which is impossible to do

Here's what will go down:

We had a "reasonable" suspicion that data on this phone would reveal plans for heinous crime to be carried out imminently, your Honor...

And the judge will allow the search and seizure.

Folks, illegally obtained evidence is allowed after the illegal search all the time . It is *VERY* rare for a judge to throw out evidence that was illegally obtained.

Comment Re:Communism (Score 1) 404

Why do the neighbors take exception to it, though? How does it affect the neighbors if someone else messes up their lawn and flower bed?

That's like asking, "Hey, what's the problem with letting the garbage pile up, having 6 cars up on blocks, and well, that heavy traffic from my crack sales? it's not in your yard..."

Comment Re:2000 jobs and 2 billion dollars (Score 1) 274

Sure I don't expect 2000 permanent full time jobs, but injecting $2 billion into a community ain't so shabby

The problem with your argument is that "2 BILLIOB" *WILL NOT* be "injected" into the Local Economy. Much of the design, contracting, and building supplies will come from elsewhere.

Sure, there are the shit wages that will be paid to the Paper Factory Serfs, but just about everything else will come from elsewhere. And by all means, let's not discount jobs in the South that pay little more than Dairy Queen...

Comment Re:The headline is juicy, but hides a real problem (Score 1) 212

For the majority of consumers in the first world. If you ever traveled more than 10 miles from your house you might find that other people live differently than you do. A 10 year old TV in some communities in India is a luxury!

Been all over the world, Mr. Elitist Asshole.

But as it happens this discussion *is about* "first world" e-trash, so put your head out of your ass.

Comment The definition of "acquaintance" has changed. (Score 1) 127

...As has the number of chars allowed in the Subject Line.

but also the hundreds or thousands of acquaintances you have online?

I have never used Twitter. I have a Facebook account to keep track of people I actually know, mostly old frieds, mybe 50 at most. I do not Facebook with people at work.

The definition of "acquaintance" seems to have changed since I grew up. To me, someone I have never met in human form, nor had any significant conversation with either in person or "on line", is not an "acquaintance".

Luddite Rube, you say? OK, as you say... Involved with professionally "IT" since 1988, high in the IT food chain at a major US Air Force Base...

Yup, I'm a Luddite Rube...

Submission + - CIA rendition jet was waiting in Europe to kidnap Snowden 5

Frosty Piss writes: As Edward Snowden made his dramatic escape to Russia a year ago, a secret US government jet previously employed in CIA 'rendition' flights on which terror suspects disappeared into 'black' imprisonment flew into Europe in a bid to spirit him back to the United States. On the evening of 24 June 2013, an unmarked Gulfstream V business jet took off from a quiet commercial airport 30 miles from a Washington DC. regional airport discreetly offers its clients 'the personal accommodations and amenities you can't find at commercial airports'. On its best-known mission, the jet flew a U.S. marshals into the UK on to collect radical cleric Abu Hamza after the United States won an extradition order against him. Only Vladimir Putin's intransigence saved Snowden from a similar travel package. The jet's activities can be followed on many flight tracking websites such as FlightAware

Submission + - Microsoft to launch machine learning service (

angry tapir writes: Microsoft will soon offer a service aimed at making machine-learning technology more widely usable. "We want to bring machine learning to many more people," Eron Kelly, Microsoft corporate vice president and director SQL Server marketing, said of Microsoft Azure Machine Learning, due to be launched in beta form in July. "The line of business owners and the marketing teams really want to use data to get ahead, but data volumes are getting so large that it is difficult for businesses to sift through it all," Kelly said.

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