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Submission + - CIA rendition jet was waiting in Europe to kidnap Snowden 5

Frosty Piss writes: As Edward Snowden made his dramatic escape to Russia a year ago, a secret US government jet previously employed in CIA 'rendition' flights on which terror suspects disappeared into 'black' imprisonment flew into Europe in a bid to spirit him back to the United States. On the evening of 24 June 2013, an unmarked Gulfstream V business jet took off from a quiet commercial airport 30 miles from a Washington DC. regional airport discreetly offers its clients 'the personal accommodations and amenities you can't find at commercial airports'. On its best-known mission, the jet flew a U.S. marshals into the UK on to collect radical cleric Abu Hamza after the United States won an extradition order against him. Only Vladimir Putin's intransigence saved Snowden from a similar travel package. The jet's activities can be followed on many flight tracking websites such as FlightAware

Submission + - Microsoft to launch machine learning service (

angry tapir writes: Microsoft will soon offer a service aimed at making machine-learning technology more widely usable. "We want to bring machine learning to many more people," Eron Kelly, Microsoft corporate vice president and director SQL Server marketing, said of Microsoft Azure Machine Learning, due to be launched in beta form in July. "The line of business owners and the marketing teams really want to use data to get ahead, but data volumes are getting so large that it is difficult for businesses to sift through it all," Kelly said.

Submission + - Unicode 7.0 released, supporting 23 new scripts (

An anonymous reader writes: The newest major version of the Unicode Standard was released today, adding 2,834 new characters, including two new currency symbols and 250 emoji. The inclusion of 23 new scripts is the largest addition of writing systems to Unicode since version 1.0 was published with Unicode's original 24 scripts. Among the new scripts are Linear A, Grantha, Siddham, Mende Kikakui, and the first shorthand encoded in Unicode, Duployan.

Comment Re:would be interesting if they report numbers lat (Score 2) 87

People either seem never to report the numbers, or only those with relatively poor Bitcoin numbers report them.

Perhaps they are reporting the numbers, but most of the numbers are "poor"?

The "carrot" has always been "we can use this as currency for purchasing goods!" but the reality has always been that Bitcoin is in reality a speculative commodity that is rarely used in commerce.

Comment Re:Yawn (Score 1) 372

I was going to reply then realized it was an Anonymous Coward. Is it me or are there a lot more Anonymous Cowards inside and outside

It's really not safe to express a controversial opinion at Slashdot anymore, lest you find yourself posting at -1 Karma, instead of engaging in thoughtful discussion.

Comment Non News (Score 4, Informative) 78

These are all formalities.

The US Government knows that they need SpaceX, and Texas definitely wants SpaceX to stay in Texas, and folks, both for the completely obvious reasons.

Of course there are reviews to take place, and itâ(TM)s my guess that none of this is either a surprise nor going to be a roadblock to the SpaceX Thunderdome in Texasâ¦

Comment Re:These scientists are terrorists (Score 1) 99

Who cares about coral or the sea? It's better to poison and destroy the whole world so that walmart get it's chinese crap brought in on time.

What are your wearing? What kind of phone do you have? What type of computing device do you use? What kind of car/bicycle/motorcycle/mass transit do you use?

My guess is that a great deal of what *YOU* consume, even if you didn't buy it at Wal-Mart, was not made in the United States, and almost certainly was shipped here from... Asia!

If you really want to "put your money where your mouth is", go live on a self-sustaining commune. It's not the 60's anymore, but they still exist.

Comment Nope (Score 2) 65

There are much more useful things to donate money to. If these folks believe this this is something people would buy and pin up on the wall ay home or their office, they can invest their own money and sell 'em to the ThinkGeek folks...

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