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Comment Re:It's Like The Last Piece Of Technology That Wor (Score 1) 218

Your telephone line is a private circuit. Chances are, if someone's phone line got a short circuit -- the other circuits are intact -- it's not everybody elses.

That may be true if you're a rural customer and/or have DSL. However, if you live in a (sub)urban location and don't have DSL, chance are you're provisioned from a SLC-96. If so, your line is only private between your residence and the SLC-96 cabinet. From that point on to the central office, you're sharing a circuit with 23 other customers (a SLC-96 cabinet has 4 active DS1 circuits, with 1 spare; 4 x 24 = 96, hence the name).

Comment Editors asleep at the wheel, again (Score 1) 366

Why do the editors allow such salacious but unwarranted headings to be used? If the title were: The SEC Is About to Make Crowdfunding of Securities More Expensive, then this more accurate but less sensationalist wording would suffice. Do the editors never read the referenced article to make sure the title reflects the content?

Comment RLC's *are* money-making schemes! (Score 2, Informative) 348

Another thing that should be banned is one- or two-second yellow lights. At every intersection in my area (Chesterfield County, VA) where they've shortened the duration of a yellow light, accidents have spiked dramatically. The original reason for the implementation of such was so that more tickets could be written, but as usual, the PHB's in the county offices didn't acknowledge that costs for police, ambulances and fire-engines to respond to an accident scene would outweigh any additional revenue.

Comment Change-logs are strictly for internal use! (Score 1) 162

Change-logs should be strictly for internal use! 1) Log entries will contain technical shorthand that is meaningless to novices. 2) Opening these logs up exposes the company to all kinds of liability. 3) Do you think most people want to wade through mostly trivial and redundant entries? The proper forum to introduce meaningful new features to the public is in a blog. It goes without saying that this blog should be actively maintained and have at least one person whose sole job is maintaining it and filtering information from the technical teams, packaging it for public consumption.

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