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Comment Re:Ho hum? (Score 1) 531

Oh I've gone from fan-boy to fanboi? Hurrah, you have managed to upgrade me. Hopefully without injuring yourself.

*Stares at hand built (hand put-together? I dunno, it's not like I designed anything inside it) PC running W7 64/Ubuntu, is typing on a ThinkPad X61 running Vista, notices MacBook Pro happily sitting in the corner, printing out my fanboi badge*

Oh wait. I run Vista, Win7 64, Linux and OSx. Arg, can I still be an Apple fanboi? Please??

Comment Re:Ho hum? (Score 1) 531

"presumably because he needed a new machine." Or he might have wanted an upgrade more significant than just memory or HDD. Or he broke his last laptop by dropping it. Who knows. Remember what they say about assumptions, it's asses all the way down. Or something. Anyway, how about this one:

Begin challenging your own assumptions. Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in awhile, or the light won't come in. ~ Alan Alda

Comment Re:Despite this, Apple will make billions of sales (Score 5, Insightful) 531

You now have to be a fan-boy to buy Apple products? They are no longer available to the public? Since when? Do I need a badge? To join some kind of club?

Oh wait, maybe Apple came around your house and clubbed your puppy to death? No?

Perhaps take a deep breath and relax. People are free to choose Apple, Linux and even Windows. Each has strong points and reasons why they are good at what they do, so no need to start dropping both your IQ and elitist tech wang on the table by throwing the term 'fan-boys' around.

Comment Re:not likely (Score 1) 245

The Russian economy is pretty large now thanks to the natural resources it has, specifically gas and oil. in fact it is the 9th largest in the world.

The USA does not have a bigger economy. Of course it depends on how you are measuring that. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_(PPP)

Rank Country GDP (PPP) $m
EU European Union 14,953,057
1 United States 13,543,330
2 China 11,606,3361
3 India 4,726,537
4 Japan 4,346,080
5 Germany 2,714,469
6 United Kingdom 2,270,884
7 France 2,040,109
8 Brazil 2,013,893
9 Russia 1,908,739
10 Italy 1,888,492

Feed Techdirt: 131 Companies Sued Over Global Text Messaging Patent (techdirt.com)

The anonymous Patent Troll Tracker points us to a new patent case that appears to involve an astounding 131 defendants, including T-Mobile, Vodafone, China Resources Peoples Telephone Company Ltd, ATT, Samsung, Palm, Microsoft, and Yahoo!, all concerning patents related to sending text messages internationally, using the internet for part of the trip. Not surprisingly, the patent in question is a continuation patent, which even the USPTO is trying to cut back on, after seeing them abused too often. The patent was just granted last month. Shouldn't it make someone scratch their head to wonder how 131 different companies could all be infringing on a patent just issued? Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the idea is fairly obvious and never should have received a patent. Now, obviously, you can go back to 1996, when the original patent was filed, but again, the concept seems like the natural progression of the space, which is perhaps why so many companies use it in some way or another.

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Feed The Register: Is the world ready for a 1TB iPod? (theregister.com)

How to deal with storage overload

Radio Reg We're barreling toward a world where 1TB files fly make their way across the internet, while devices like the iPod prepare to handle your favorite 267,000 songs and movies. And, according to industry experts, the storage vendors are not quite ready to deal with all of these massive files or to construct the types of systems that could power a local/network/mobile version of, say, Google Docs well.


Submission + - Technical Considerations For A Gaming Center

Anonymous Coward writes: "A year or so ago, Slashdot covered a question of some of the considerations an entrepreneur should take before starting a Cyber gaming cafe. My question is, What technical considerations should I take into... consideration?

What sort of server hardware, switches, and software should a potential cyber cafe take on? This would be a 20 workstation environment with an outgoing T1 line, and the potential for internal BYOC Wi-Fi access, as well as console gaming. Any other ideas are especially welcome."
Christmas Cheer

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Esther Schindler writes: "Sure, everyone uses technology on the job. But you may not have contemplated the tools used by paranormal investigators (at least, not until you began thinking about Halloween) who look for the truth in ghosts and other things that go Bump in the Night. In Paranormal Investigations and Technology: Where Ghosts and Gadgets Meet, CIO's Al Sacco writes about the most unusual of tool chests, with everything from thermometers to blimp cams."

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