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Comment Re:Disable player chat (Score 1) 704

>> You include a scene where the gay guy gets beat up because he is gay. A successful artist would establish empathy between the character and the player, causing the player to question the moral implications of the scenario. ...and others might actually mistake the intent and interpret the message differently, that gay guys _should_ be beaten up. Think of the "kill a ho" message that so many kids came away from GTA with that it became an overnight meme.

>> The stories that resonate the deepest with us are the stories that hit the closest to home.

Perhaps, but not being gay is why I for one would not enjoy a game that has an overtly gay protagonist. I actually don't give a shit about the everyday life issues other people face (especially gay issues) as its usually clear to me at least, that many if not most are actually logical outcomes of obviously bad decision-making, so don't actually deserve much pity, I also avoid reality TV shows for the same reason, their blatant low-brow stupidity just annoys the crap out of me, which is an experience that I personally don't find even slightly entertaining or pleasant.

I usually play computer games for the exact opposite reason, as a form of escapism and to experience the dynamics of possible alternative realities.

So why would I want to spend good money to experience the equivalent of a crap version of reality TV show that even worse, has been hijacked by some outspoken developer who is using it as a platform to brainwash people into thinking their view is somehow a self-evidently correct moral message?

Comment Laughable that some still say hunting is a sport (Score 2) 397

Hunters with high-velocity rifles/sniper scopes/drones/helicopters vs. an unarmed animal? When one side has such a massively asymmetric advantage it is ridiculous to label the activity as a sport. I laugh at those pathetic people. They should be embarrassed to even admit that they are mentally stunted enough to even want to do it.

Hunting will only be a sport when the hunted animal gains an equal ability to locate and kill its hunters, including taking out their vehicles and helicopters.

Until then, hunting is just a predetermined and terminal (therefore the worst) form of sadistic bullying and/or an unnecessarily inefficient form of food gathering. Apparently those that spend thousands on hunting then claim they do it just for food aren't capable of even basic economics or understanding that there's a good reason why hunter-gatherer societies got completely superseded by agrarianism.

Comment Corley is a clueless talking head. (Score 2) 323

>> H-1B guest workers are a much better choice. 'It's not easy to retrain people,' Corley said. '

  In my experience most H1B guest workers are exactly the ones who need the most training, even just in order to properly perform the job they are already coming in for. Learning valuable skills appears to be exactly the reason many come to the US in the first place.

There is no lack of IT workers in the US, just a lack of IT workers who will work for minimum wage. The only reason companies claim they need more H1Bs is because H1B workers will work for cheap.

Comment Vote with your wallet. (Score -1, Flamebait) 704

I dislike games that feel the need to insult the payers intelligence by just showing unfeasably big breasted women or the "kill the ho with a baseball bat" type of thing, however I will refuse to buy a game that starts pushing some PeeCee political agenda at me too, especially one that is advocating LGBT as an intrinsically socially acceptable attribute or even one to be admired.

Comment Re:Allow Russians to vote with their feet (Score 1) 878

>> It is no more self-determination than a stadium of people held hostage by terrorists are practicing self-determination.

Well they actually are practicisng self-determination, given that a whole stadium full of unarmed people could (admittedly with high losses) still overwhelm a bunch of armed guys.
It all comes down to perceived vs. actual risk/reward and the innate nature of people to prefer to act like sheep rather than do anything in the event of a threat.

Comment Re:changed my view of it for the better (Score 1) 192

I do somewhat agree with what you're saying, but actually none of your points are specific to bitcoin. You could make all the exact same arguments you just did for dollars too. Maybe not the physical paper kind, but credit card numbers, bank account numbers etc etc. As for physical paper, there's nothing stopping you printing out your bitcoin wallet key and keeping that securely instead of in computer memory.

A failing in computer security and failing to make backups all amounts to the same potential for loss no matter what the actual form of the money stored on or accessed by the computer is, so citing computer security is not actually a reasonable justification specifically against the use of cryptocurrency (such as bitcoin) vs conventional currency because it is a separate issue that can affect both.

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