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Comment Re:Consumers? No just whiny fanboys (Score 1) 113

>> there are some people who do have cause to complain if they would have changed their purchasing decision based on having the correct information at the time of their purchase.

While I agree that nVidia should have got the published details correct, do you seriously think a customer exists that would not have bought this card had they knew the memory handling strategy was slightly different than published, even though the overall performance of the card was advertised correctly?

That would be as insane as basing a car purchasing decision entirely on the colour of plastic used for the radiator cap.

Comment Re:has not answered the important question (Score 2, Informative) 113

>> causing them to crash out

This is a blatantly misieading thing to say. The cards don't crash at all. The only thing that happens as a result of this is a properly handled decrease in real world performance compared to the 980.

Are you seriously trying to claim that the 970 _should_ have the same performance as the 980?

Comment BMW (Score 1) 823

I believe BMW was actually the first to pump completely fake engine nosies (electronically created not just amplified) through the stereo quite a while back, and I think nearly all their models do that now. Its one of the bigger reasons I wouldn't ever buy a BMW, and apparently now you can add Ford to that list.

That said, where do you stop in being critical? Nearly all sports car makers invest a LOT of money on tuning exahusts to get the sound they want, even possibly at the cost of some performance. I guess at least if its coming out the exhuast its orignally an actual engine noise, and that people outside the car can hear too.

Comment Re:Frustration (Score 1) 361

I totally agree.
Adjusting to the US business culture of "Don't offend anyone even with the truth" thing took a LOT of getting used to when I emigrated to the US from England about 12 years ago. Not least because I don't actually agree with the sentiment.

I'm fairly sure I still unintentionally offend people sometimes by saying stuff that would be considered perfectly polite in the UK.

Comment Re:and when BSD moves to systemd... (Score 3, Insightful) 403

>> If you're a Linux fan, I'd be surprised if the only reason you like Linux is it's script-based init system.

For me at least, its not the only reason but its certainly one of the big benefits. I like being able to non-ambiguously see and control exactly what is really going on, and to even be able to run those scripts individually in a sandbox if I want.

I also really like plaintext system log files, having to now use some commandline tool to continually create them first is nothing but a giant pain in the ass.

For me at least, Systemd takes a lot of simplicity and usability away, with nothing even close to a correspondingly sized gain in other benefits.

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