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Comment Re:Sigh (Score 2) 748

Sorry, but you can't choose to become gay. If you were previously attracted to the opposite sex (in your pre-teen years, presumably, since you "chose" in your early teens) then you are in fact just bisexual but chose to live as a homosexual.

Sexuality isn't binary, there is a whole range between straight and gay. It is fixed though, and although you can choose within a certain range you can't force yourself to be something you fundamentally are not. People trying to convince you otherwise are just trying to drum up business for their "treatments".

Comment Re:Sigh (Score 1) 748

Further, there's plenty of gay people who don't like straight people, or don't like straight people of certain kinds. Are you going to go tell them that's not okay? Or is it still acceptable to hate on nominally white, nominally straight males?

I think you have to differentiate between "acceptable" and "legal". In the former case you might be shunned by much of society and face criticism, but it isn't illegal.

I interpreted the GP to mean that homophobia, or for that matter heterophobia, is not acceptable for most of society and if you express those views you can expect others to react. It isn't illegal to hate gay people for whatever reason you like of course. That's how free speech works. You are legally free to say what you like, but that doesn't mean you can expect others not to react as well.

Comment Re:Sigh (Score 1) 748

As a gay man, I have had to accept that people dislike me for something I didn't choose. Your draconian attempts to force others to accept me make things worse for me.

Can you be specific exactly how things are worse for you because of demands for equality? I can't really imagine how you could be openly gay and openly discriminated against, yet still be better off than you are today.

Comment Re:Sigh (Score 2) 748

The important point is that homosexuals marrying does not harm anyone in any real sense. Some people get upset by it, but that isn't nearly enough to justify banning it. On the other hand paedophiles do directly harm children, so their behaviour cannot be tolerated.

In the same way Eich's behaviour cannot be tolerated either. He tried to harm homosexuals by preventing them from marrying, and from having equal rights to heterosexuals.

Tolerance is accepting behaviour you dislike but which does not hurt anyone. Although some homophobic groups claim that homosexuality does harm children or homosexuals themselves, the majority of society does not agree and there is much evidence to suggest otherwise.

Comment Re:Sigh (Score 1) 748

What you are complaining about are valid political positions you simply happen to disagree with.

How is "just not liking a random 5% of the population because of who they are attracted to" a valid political position? If it were specifically "I don't like certain gay rights activists" that would be a political position, but simply disliking an entire group of people who have no common trails other than their sexuality is simple bigotry.

This is exactly what happens in every Slashdot debate. It turns into a debate over the meaning of terms, and I suspect many commentators deliberately try to confuse the issue. Do you really think that gay people want "equality of outcome" when they ask for the right to be married? Do you imagine they are demanding brides and husbands be allocated to them or something?

Gah, I'm getting sucked into the argument. The whole point is to divert people away from the actual issue.

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