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Comment Re:Razr v3 (Score 1) 313

I bought my wife a Motorola Tundra. She doesn't want a smart phone, but she does want something that will get reception in the boonies and survive the rigors of horse back riding (or falling off said horse). I have seen that phone light up while at the bottom of a 3' deep creek, and she called me on it after taking a dive off a horse and was in need of an ambulance. So it passes my tests ;)


Comment Re:Any materialized predictions? (Re:Sudden?) (Score 1) 268

by "link" I assume you are using a colloquialism for directions to a specific resource. One might think of it as a "Universal Resource Locator".

For instance, there is a "link" to but that does not identify the specific resources you are looking for. To do so, we would need to provide a more specific PAIR of links, for example: Page 131, Figure 1.4, TAR predictions 2001-2030

and Page 131, Figure 1.4, Observed Temperature Anomalies

Now, you can argue the quality of the data, the accuracy of the models, and the legitimacy of the authors all you like. But these are TWO fully defined links to the exact information you are looking for.

If you would like to offer up your home address, I will personally pay for a special needs assistant to come to your residence, open a web browser for you, scroll to page 131, show you figure 1.4, and read aloud to you the text and description.

The burden of proof my friend, now lays on your shoulders.


Comment Re:Why ext4 (Score 1) 226

Perhaps, but my point was more that if you want to grow ZFS this is the ONLY way to actually do it, as far as I'm aware. You can't add individual drives to individual "vdevs."

You can replace all the drives in the array with bigger ones, resilvering after each replacement, and when you get to the last one, poof, you magically have a bigger pool. I certainly won't claim that as terribly efficient, though. :)

It has its shortcomings, no doubt. But compared to old-school RAID or even LVM, it takes a huge step forward.

Comment Re:Why ext4 (Score 1) 226

I will readily admit that as a "shortcoming" of ZFS, but honestly, I don't quite see any obvious use cases for it. On the short term (months), I've only ever needed to *add* storage, never remove it.

On the longer term (years), I have found that I go back and forth on how many drives I need, but when I do eventually upgrade my home NAS to bigger and better hardware, I don't even try to salvage old drives 1/10th the size of modern ones - I bring up the new system, with however many brand new drives I consider appropriate, and clone the old one to the new one.

Comment Re:Why ext4 (Score 1) 226

Ext4 should in theory be the best choice. It's widely used and has a large enterprise support. Lots of business people get angry if it does not work properly.

On a modern system with multiple disks you want to configure as some variety of soft-RAID, ZFS hands-down counts as the clear best choice (short of going for a "cluster" FS). It allows an arbitrary number of extra parity drives (think "RAID 8"), as well as arbitrarily many hot spares; it quickly and easily recovers from having someone pull out all your drives, shuffle them around, and put them back in (for a more real-world version of that - Ever updated your BIOS only to find all your drives remapped?); it detects and (usually) corrects corrupted files; it supports online snapshotting and snapshot exporting to another; it uses dynamically sized storage pools rather than fixed "partitions", and can even grow the underlying total available space.

Oldest Stone Tools Predate Previous Record Holder By 700,000 Years 103

derekmead writes: The oldest stone tools ever found have been discovered by scientists in Kenya who say they are 3.3m years old, making them by far the oldest such artifacts discovered. Predating the rise of humans' first ancestors in the Homo genus, the artifacts were found near Lake Turkana, Kenya. More than 100 primitive hammers, anvils and other stone tools have been found at the site. An in-depth analysis of the site, its contents, and its significance as a new benchmark in evolutionary history will be published in the May 21 issue of Nature.

Comment Re:Lighter socket in a positive-ground vehicle (Score 1) 837

Then reverse the wires going to the receptacle. An ANSI/SAE J563 receptacle in a positive-ground vehicle would have -12 to -15 V on the can and ground on the tip.

Great idea! Well, right up until whatever you plug in touches anything metal in your car, of course. Then at least you'll have a more exciting day...

Comment Re:Tolls? (Score 1) 837

an old diesel would be taxed more than a new Euro-5 compliant one.

Believe it or not, the biggest proponents of mile-vs-gallon based taxes in the US have exactly the opposite intent of what you describe.

Some people feel that a gallon-based tax "unfairly" punishes them for spewing 5x more pollution than someone driving an efficient modern hybrid. And don't even get them started on those bastards driving EVs.

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