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Comment 1-year theatrical window (Score 1) 120

Otherwise you can be patient and wait a few months to be able see it at home where there are all the things you like.

"a few months"? I remember a decade ago when Hop took literally a year to go from theaters to DVD sell-through, and then another month after that to get to Redbox.

Comment Re:Sure, let someone else be the gatekeeper (Score 1) 162

If the average person who futzes around with Windows can't run Linux Mint, they're being deliberately obtuse. Or they're stupid.

Say my roommate wants me to load MP3s onto her iPhone. I haven't figured out how to do that other than through iTunes for Windows, which does not run in Wine, or Finder for macOS. Am I "deliberately obtuse" or "stupid"?

Comment What instead of iOS or Android with Google Play? (Score 1) 162

Even more regrettably, it seems almost all free-software advocates I have known are mindlessly following along instead of rejecting such absurdly invasive Big-Brother brain-damaged computers under the euphemisim of "smart something."

Which handheld computer with a cellular radio that respects users' freedom is compatible with U.S. mobile networks? Last I checked, things like the Fairphone were made for the European market, with no attempt to get onto Verizon's or AT&T's allowlist.

Comment Re:You don't care about genocide (Score 1) 308

First, you failed to fuck off. Try again.

Not going to happen.

Second... "They did quit first. They staged a sit in in an executive office with full knowledge that it'd likely result in their termination, and potentially worse." ...You're a complete moron, aren't you?

They quit. They knew quite well they were quitting. If how they quit hurt your feelings, I'm sure that they'd be happy to tell you to "fuck off" too.

Here's a fuck off from me for the hell of it. I don't expect you to actually comply, so come at me, bro.

Comment Re:You don't care about genocide (Score 1) 308

All I said was 'quit first', not, 'smile as you lead Jews into the showers'.

No, you effectively said the latter.

They did quit first. They staged a sit in in an executive office with full knowledge that it'd likely result in their termination, and potentially worse.

You want them to disappear quietly never to be seen again. Sort of like disappearing on a camping adventure with crappy showers.

Comment Re:Traffic shaping and QoS is now evil? (Score 1) 29

The bufferbloat folks proved that you don't have to have your call quality or gaming experience suffer if someone starts asking for tons of bandwidth. To oversimplify, the mongo download process is forced to compete fairly with the voip call, not just drown it out.

An ISP that doesn't use modern software is at moral hazard. They're tempted to rob Peter to pay Paul, exactly as we see <curses elided/> Telcos doing here.
At the same time, they need to legally use fq_codel and CAKE on their network, to do fair queuing (the fq in fc_codel).

For recent work in fixing bufferbloat within ISPs, see, which I see as QOS done the right way, a way consistent with net neutrality.

Comment Re:Traffic shaping and QoS is now evil? (Score 3, Insightful) 29

I guess they're assuming that offering these features will slow down other traffic.
Giving the customer the choice is a good thing. Forcing a choice on the customer is a bad thing.
If I don't use VoIP, I don't want part of my bandwidth cut off because I don'y use that type of service. If I do use VoIP, I don't want my call quality to suffer because someone else just started watching a video and it's buffering.

Comment Re:Welcome To The Machine (Score 3, Interesting) 90

"Now don't lie about how much you make and how much you owe. WE KNOW how much you make."

By and large that's true. That's the whole point of W2s and 1099s.

Intuit isn't protecting me from anything by attempting to force me to shell out $70+ per year for a scripted walk through the government forms.

If there's value to add, it's in live advice from tax professionals (which Intuit already markets as well). So whether it's federal, state, or local governments versus commercial services guiding the data entry doesn't bother me at all.

Comment Re:Mobile Video Quality (Score 1) 41

One risk is that non-discriminatory bandwidth management (eg, the stuff the bufferbloat team does, like fq_codel and CAKE) will not be easy to distinguish from the discriminatory stuff that enables the ISP to demand kickback and/or being paid extra by the provider of the service. That would result in shitty service for everyone and, perversely, more motivation to pay the ISP to work around the rules.

Comment Re:Makes no sense (Score 2) 91

The news sites share their content with readers so they can make money from ads. It's been that way since news papers were a thing.

Google wants to take their content and share it, bypassing the ads that pay for the content, showing ads that pay Google instead.
Do you see why those spending money to create the content might get mad?

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