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Comment Re:Refuse the search? (Score 1) 923

This raises another question. What happens when these people refuse to answer questions or allow a search of their home?

- Then you are viewed as a "clear 100% terrorist delaying so your buds can escape the area with whatever devices they managed to finish."

- Those who talk too much have to be kept in detention for a long period of time to hide the fact that a mistake was made.

- Those who speak only the facts are viewed as staged and must be interrogated more "deeply."

Anyhow, things like this are made publicly known to instill FUD.

Comment Re:Obummer the Messiah will save us! (Score 2) 923

You say that as if Romney was any better in that regard. We all know that every president is going to support the military police state. But at least Obama isn't trying to destroy America with tax cuts so that a few billionaires can masturbate into an even larger pile of cash.


Comment Heh. (Score 1) 445

The first comment asked exactly what I'm wondering - what in the heck do you need a floodlight for?

Anyhow, it's easy to get rid of visible light pollution - infrared.

Less energy is used in the transformation to IR and it has a much greater reflectivity (and detectable heat signature).

All you have to do is purchase a little paid of IR bin/monocular device that powers on and off based on movement when you pick it up or put it down (eliminating the OMG HUGE CHORE of turning power on and off with a switch or push of a button).

You want to see what's outside lurking around? Instead of walking to the window and looking out at your light arrays, how about looking out with an IR device and even having it lit with that cheap, low-power light bulb replacement?

Wait, I forgot. It's "too much work" to even reach for a device to look through. Light pollution wins.

Comment Jesus. (Score 1) 355

The U.S. is also a greedy rich asshole-growing location where said rich own the businesses that provide Internet service - the whole idea is to take transport media that has so much bandwidth capability it makes your head spin and word it as if said media is SO CLOGGED (OMG OMG) that everyone has to pay tons of money for this RARE bandwidth.


I'm shocked the placement number isn't increasing quarterly.

Comment Re:News at 11? (Score 1) 105

Perhaps if you include the amount paid to virus protection rackets (McAfee et al) it may just reach or exceed that $1 trillion...

Don't forget the fake antivirus software that has you remove antivirus software, only to pull malware in, encouraging purchase of fake anti-malware software, which pulls viruses onto your machine, which lands most non-experts into a tech shop, where antivirus software is installed.


Comment Monop^H^H^H^H^HFun. (Score 1) 391

Imagine Microsoft pricing the Surface at a mere pittance, say $50 or $75 — even in this era of cheaper tablets, the devices would fly off the shelves so fast, the sales rate would make the iPad look like the Zune.

Someone poisoning the water again? Great... They saw Google release for cheap/free... must copy process. Like Microsoft ALWAYS does. Too late.

Comment Re:Get rich quickly .. (Score 1) 133

.. smash two stars together, close enough to the earth to collect all of the gold .. GOLD!!!

Well, then it isn't that rare anymore and the value would go down.

We need to prevent the collision of neutron stars -AND- prevent supernovae. Now that would be a value no one can refuse. Well, until everyone's been shot in the natural course of theft but that's beside the point. /snark :)

Comment Re:Hold on - doubletake (Score 1) 331

You should really avoid taking meth before commenting on slashdot. It results in comments like this one.

Methamphetamines cause servers to belch errors while someone is reading /., assisting said person in misreading the article? Wow, where do I get my hands on some of that meth??

Feeling a little down today, Jeff? Gotta, you know, put someone down and call them names like a child to feel better? I bet you're doing just fine now. I'm glad I could be a sounding board for you.

Comment Re:Hold on - doubletake (Score 1) 331

Wow, I bet you really love talking down to other people, Mr. Superior. Your lack of self worth is really better used elsewhere rather than just biting people online. Or is it? What am I to say? I'm just an idiot.

Speaking of idiots... Don't idiots go to websites that they hear or read are being blocked by the military, you know, just for the hell of it? I think they do! Thanks for taking care of that part for me. Now I know I misread the article because I was a little distracted by a server event at work.

Cheers, Cedric the entertainer of the enlightened. :)

Comment Re:Hold on - doubletake (Score 1) 331

The ARMY (the fucking ARMY) can control access to the INTERNET on ARMY computers. Because they live behind an ARMY firewall. Hell, some of them even live behind other DoD firewalls.

Can't do a damn thing to control the overall INTERNET, shy of nuking from orbit (EMP would be spectacular.)

Whoa. Whawha? Where in the article did I miss that they are blocking access to the Guardian only for military personnel? I really must have glazed eyes if I missed that.

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IF I HAD A MINE SHAFT, I don't think I would just abandon it. There's got to be a better way. -- Jack Handley, The New Mexican, 1988.
