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Comment Re:Snowden is playing a good game (Score 3, Interesting) 145

A good thing to start doing right now would be to educate people to use end-to-end encryption for all their communications (or as much as they can).

End-to-end encryption is a great idea, but technical people need to make this as simple and idiot proof as possible to maximize adoption. Let me repeat that: it needs to be simple and idiot proof. I know it's popular around here to accuse everyone in the world of being a drooling dolt, especially where technical matters are concerned, but the fact is, people are busy living their lives, working hard, spending time with their family, etc., and have little time left over for technical geekery. A ten page guide that walks you through all kinds of technical jargon and details is not going to cut the mustard. It must be nearly "click, click, click, done" simple.

HTTPS, IMAPS, etc. It's not the ultimate solution but will make a good portion of MiTM attacks conducted by spying agencies useless.

https is broken by design: it trusts anything the root CAs trust, and you can be sure most or all the CAs around the world are in bed with all the big intelligence agencies.

Comment Re:Software "previews" are way longer than a movie (Score 1) 169

After that I realized that maybe moving to Java is not such a good idea after all. I think the popularity of C#/Haskell/Scala/C++11/Python are a result of this realization.

Yeah, good call there, Alomex. Java's been a real failure and programming languages like Haskell have taken off like a rocket.

<rolls eyes>

Comment Re:iPad 2? Why? (Score 1) 471

It's somewhat baffling that anyone these days would want an iPad 2. The Mini outstrips it in every area but screen size, at the same price.

Eventually, you'll know why some people might choose the larger but lower spec iPad 2 over the iPad mini.

You'll also learn why people like the zoom button on browsers, why people like smartphones with large screens, etc.

Everyone figures it out eventually...

Comment Re:DoS? (Score 1) 361

oh, totes. if the nsa gave you a router with a 100% backdoor for them, then you would be golden against all other threats. except... obv the nsa can be infiltrated cf snowden. and others could engineer your router backdoor. and if the nsa has a router backdoor they could potentially get access to your computer and all your bizness, not to mention the computers and bizness of everybody you communicate with.

I would trust the NSA's security guys to get security better than any for-profit company with strong economic incentive to cut corners.

And I realize I'd be handing the NSA the keys to get inside my network -- that's the trade-off I think many people would find worthwhile -- giving the NSA access in exchange for them writing the most secure firmware they possibly could.

Comment Re:DoS? (Score 4, Interesting) 361

The effect of this is to remove secure competitors from the market and force users onto pre-compromised services.

I know this is going to sound mighty odd, but hear me out...

I kind of wish the NSA sold things like consumer routers, for which they wrote all the firmware, user interface, etc.

The NSA employs Really Ridiculously Smart People, so then I could count on my router being really, really secure against everyone and everything... except the NSA.

Which would be an OK trade-off for me, and I think would be an OK trade-off for a lot of people...

Comment Re:C. Obviously. (Score 1) 465

You know C. C is simple, as fast as any alternative, it's straightforward to optimize (aside from pointer abuse), and you always know what the compiler/runtime is doing. And threading libraries like pthreads or CUDA are best served via C/C++. Why use anything else?

This is just nonsense, and to see it constantly repeated and modded up is just sad.

C is only simple in the same way a written alphabet with only two letters is simple: sure, you only have to remember the letters A and B (simple!), but actually using it is not simple.

For crying out loud, in C, you can't even do A = B + C; without having a very good chance of invoking undefined behavior. Why? Because in C, overflow or underflow on signed values has undefined behavior!

Access beyond the end of an array and damage data elsewhere in the system (making it often really hard to find)? No problem!

Laboriously managing your own memory (and probably leaking it)? No problem!

What, real strings? Heck no, real men like to take the risk of overflowing the strings and their buffers!

C is filled with literally hundreds of mine fields just waiting to trap the unwary, and often forces you to write a lot of code that would only be a few lines in a higher level language.

C is not simple to use. C is not simple to use.

Comment Re:What's Missing (Score 1) 157

We can't be satisfied with the "everything's been invented already" approach. That would be admitting we've invented technology we can't manage.

Oh, I agree, I'm just saying that it's become harder to invent new things (in software). It was much easier in 1979 (which is, coincidentally, the first year I started writing code).

Comment Re:What's Missing (Score 1) 157

That only emphasizes my other question. What was the last new (not a remake, not an iteration, not FOSS, not a game) piece of Visicalc-caliber commercial software developed from scratch on any platform?

I can't find one post-1997. In fact, ironically enough, Macromedia Flash was probably the crowning achievement of the 1990s software-wise.

I'm not sure that's a fair question. Early on, software developers had lots of low hanging fruit to pick, and even though it was low hanging, much of it was world-changing.

There are now much fewer opportunities to create world-changing software and it's harder to develop modern software due to higher expectations from users.

So if the market is demanding "sophisticated" software, nobody is providing it, which only serves to emphasize my first question: where are the tools?

Do you see how the "post-PC world" is up its own ass?

As much as I love my iPad, I do entirely agree with you here.

iOS and Android should ship with development tools capable of writing first class software for the platform. It would be a huge competitive advantage, open up software development to a huge number of people, and result in users having a lot more great software in general.

Comment Re:What's Missing (Score 1) 157

Visicalc was invented in 1979.

It was written by two hard-working geniuses who busted ass for months and months to get it to work. Visicalc changed the world.

The biggest difference between then and now is that users now demand software that is much more featured and sophisticated. One or two guys could write software that changed the world in 1979 because back then software was so much more simple.

The reason they were able to write this software is because the Apple II had the tools to do so. If you had an Apple II, you had everything you needed to develop new software for it.

I consider this a very sad state of affairs for iOS and Android. I'll consider them "grown up" when you can write first class software for them using the devices themselves.

Same goes for the PC.

This is both true and not true... Windows does not ship by default with the development tools necessary to write first class software. You have to put in some nontrivial work locating, researching, downloading, installing, and learning different development tools before you can write something useful.

Comment Re:Java is the new COBOL (Score 1) 577

Which is another phrase for "The language is so chock-full with phrasal idioms and low on signal/noise ratio that we both CAN and HAVE TO automate its editing"...?

Nope, not at all.

I think Java found a pretty good balance in terms of brevity vs. verbosity. Most software development is maintenance, so what you really want is readability. Brevity vs. verbosity is a foolish debate that misses the point.

But it's all subjective, to each his own. Unfortunately, many people want to turn it into some kind of religious debate and hate hate hate the infidels and love love love the true believers.


Comment Re:Java is the new COBOL (Score 1) 577

People won't need millions of Java coders anymore, but they'll need older expert types to go untangle messes.

The good news is that Java code is relatively easy to untangle. Thanks to the design of the Java language, it's very easy to navigate and refactor code using modern IDEs like NetBeans, Eclipse, and IDEA.

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