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Comment Re:Must be getting old. (Score 1) 415

Yeah, we've heard that they are going to open source stuff before, and we're still waiting. Where's my open FaceTime standard that Steve Jobs promised when he introduced FaceTime?

I'd really like Apple to put Swift and Metal out there as open source - it will only increase the adoption rate. But past performance leads me to doubt...

Comment Re:24/7 Live Global Radio (Score 2) 415

Not only that, but the clone makers got to just build out hardware and ship it - they didn't have the R&D overhead to actually design the system in the first place, much less develop and maintain the operating system.

Many of the clones were just Apple boards that were licensed and reconfigured. There were many PowerComputing boxes that were essentially a PowerMac 7300 for 20% off the price. I bought one instead of a "real" Apple back in the day. It's no wonder that Jobs put a stake through the heard of Mac cloners.

Comment Re:PC is the only one that counts (Score 1) 204

I was sorely disappointed with a few things about Fallout3 / Fallout: New Vegas that didn't follow the spirit of the original Fallout / Fallout2: the decision depth.

In the original Fallout titles, you could be the biggest bastard in California, and the game would adapt to that. You could steal anything not bolted down and only have a problem if you got caught, murder random people by sneaking lit dynamite into their pockets or by spamming super-stims on them, pickpocket people and then sell their own shit back to them, etc.; you could still get on in the game, sometimes with hilarious consequences.

With Fallout3, they tagged 90% of everything with a karma reduction so sneak became completely useless. You would even lose karma if you took stuff out of a house belonging to someone that was dead, and not dead by your hand. If you decided to play an "evil" character, half the NPCs just shut down and wall off half the game from you, rather than dealing with you begrudgingly like the earlier games would. It was like a sanitized version of the Fallout universe that was vaguely related, and with none of the creativity.

Comment Re:Windows Media Center (Score 1) 374

Very possible. I'm on Time Warner (who totally blows due to abuse of the CCI flags) but they are using SDV adapters on the system here - in order to get my roll-your-own-DVR up and running I needed to get both the CableCARD and a Cisco SDV adapter that plugs in via USB and daisy-chains on the coax.

Works great though - keeps those useless channels I never watch from eating precious bandwidth on my wire.

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