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Comment Cut the Russians Off (Score -1, Flamebait) 848

If the Russians wish to engage in this kind of conduct, then the rest of the world should hit them where it hurts the most - their treasury.

We should deny all Russian lenders (not just the 5 picked out for sanctions so far) from being able to access US and European bond markets to raise capital. We should indefinitely sanction any transfer of petrochemical technology by US and European companies to any Russian firm. And we should sanction any credit transactions between American/European credit companies and Russian banks (i.e. cut off Mastercard, Discover, Visa, AmEx, etc.).

If they wish to engage to aggression against other country's sovereignty, they should do it without the rest of the world helping fund them.

And for good measure, Ukraine should "sell" its ownership in the Ukrainian section of the gas pipeline to a Nato country and then shut off the flow of gas.

Submission + - Man Loses Half His Skull, Surgeons Repair it to Look Normal with 3D Printed Mesh (

ErnieKey writes: Surgeons in China have performed surgery this morning on a man who had suffered a severe head injury 10 months ago. After the accident, he was left with a huge portion of his skull and brain missing. Unable to go into public because of people calling him names such as "Half Headman", and after losing his ability to speak and write, something had to be done. Thanks to a donation by a company called Stryker, in the US, surgeons were able to take a scan of the mans head, and 3D print a titanium mesh that has been inserted between the his scalp and brain. Doctors expect the man to return to normal, in both appearance and brain function because of this new technology.

Comment Re: Her work (Score 5, Informative) 1262

I watched some of her videos last night. I don't see where she insulted a gender at all. At most, she takes game developers to task for using cheap, clichéd tropes about women as decorative or damsel in distress because they want an easy (or lazy) shorthand for character development or to get a cheap emotional response from the gamer.

Comment Slashdot comments indicative of the problem (Score 5, Insightful) 1262

It seems to me that the first few comments made to Slashdot about this story is indicative of the problem at large. The first comments (made by anonymous cowards) immediately conjectured that Sarkeesian is to blame, that she concoted the death threats as a publicity stunt.

You must ask yourself honestly : Why is it, when faced with stories like this, is your first instinct to claim that the woman lied or made it up?

Submission + - Anita Sarkeesian, creator of Tropes vs. Women, driven from home by trolls (

Sonny Yatsen writes: Anita Sarkeesian, the creator of Tropes vs. Women — a video series exploring negative tropes and misogynistic depictions of women in video games, reports that she driven from her home after a series of extremely violent sexual threats made against her. Her videos have previously drawn criticism from many male gamers, often coupled with violent imagery or threats of violence.

Comment Re:Unnecessary (Score 1) 528

Science has a long history of being perpetually wrong. They said all matter was made of earth, wind, fire, and water

If you seriously think that "matter was made of earth, wind, fire, and water" was science (even back then), then you are the prime example of why we need to teach the scientific process in schools.

Comment Re:Is it going anywhere? (Score 1) 528

It's true that there are plenty of stupid bills - including stupid evolution bills - that are introduced and then quietly die. What makes this one remarkable is that it seems to be a first time that a creationist, in a highly public setting, has effectively claimed that his crusade is not just against evolution (because it's "bad science" etc), but rather against science in general.

Comment Re:The US slides back to the caves (Score 1) 528

units of useful size

They are of a useful size - the fact that conversion factors between them and the ones you are used to are usually single-digit is a testimony to that. Of course, there's also that whole part where they seamlessly convert between one another, whereas in Imperial something as simple as number of feet or yards in a mile is something that has to be looked up by most - and then you end up having ridiculous road signs with distances such as 3/4 mile.

units of equal ratio (cf. the kilogram as a base unit)

Kilogram is a historical quirk, but it is a very minor one. We could just rename it and than have gram be milli-whatever, but it's just not worth the bother,.

and a unit ratio of a useful number (say, maybe 12, instead of 10).

Until such time as we switch to base 12 for all our numbers, using a ratio different from the base creates more problem than it solves.

Comment Re:The surveillance state (Score 1) 643

The way cops are interacting with other people on the ground is remarkably different from the way everyone else is interacting (within legal boundaries), as it always have potential for extreme, sometimes lethal use of force that is not meaningfully prosecuted afterwards. It's that exceptionality that warrants the surveillance. The other alternative is that we take away the extra rights that police officers have wrt use of force, and apply the same rules that we do to private security guards and other citizens not in government employ.

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