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Comment Re:A browser targeted towards devs? Uh. WHY? (Score 1) 132

It's not a question of blame (other than the author's soapboxing I mentioned earlier), just pragmatism. I'm just too old to be playing stupid "browser loyalty" games. I've got things to do, and in this case, both Fx and Palemoon get in the way of doing them: the former with its shitty, barely-usable UX garbage, and the latter by not supporting the tools I need. Since I can "kinda sorta" get around the former with "Classic Theme Restorer" and the like, and the latter I can't get around at all, Palemoon simply isn't fit to task anymore.

Comment Re:A browser targeted towards devs? Uh. WHY? (Score 1) 132

Yeah, I saw that SDC was fixed. Without firebug, though, it's still a no-go. Some of my other "nice to have but not dealbreaker" extensions are still "TBD" on that list, too (like Epub Reader). Honestly, screwing with the extensions just killed any real interest I had in the project. If it wasn't for the extensions, I would have switched to Opera or Chromium back before Palemoon was even a thing.

Comment Re:Have they fixed the permissions system yet? (Score 1) 214

That would, even for my simple app requiring only 5 permissions, result in a 32x increase in testing effort. Far more likely scenario: I would make sure that all needed permissions are available and, if not, just refuse to start.

It's not that bad. I don't know what set of permissions you're using, or what your app even does, but a lot of things would just be rolled into testing you're already doing. Want to test if network access is denied? Do it while you're testing how your app behaves when the phone doesn't have a WIFI or 3G/4G signal (and if your app is one of those that refuses to start without a net connection, then just please ragequit)

99% of the problems apps have with permissions managers like that is just assuming data will be there instead of doing proper input checking (data from the system is still "input"). I remember back when an "android tablet" was basically a Nook Color with a modified phone rom on it, I came across some very nosy apps that shat themselves when they tried to get a phone number.

Never trust the client.

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