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Comment Re:Desparate Microsoft pulls a "Sun Microsystems" (Score 1) 525

Hell, if nothing else, it means I can start writing .NET stuff for Linux, without dicking around with Mono, only to find out two weeks in that the piece I need isn't actually in Mono...

So hey, I'll keep watching for the poison pill, but between that and free VS? I'll give 'em a cookie this time.

Comment Re:This is a people vs monopolitic corporations is (Score 1) 127

If internet service was a free market, it wouldn't exist. All it would take is one douchebag with the right lot to say "fuck no, you can't put that [junction point/wiring box/exchange] on my property" and that's an entire neighborhood possibly off the grid. And most neighborhood have no shortage of those types.

Comment Re:Did he really? (Score 1) 706

I wasn't being hypothetical: The FCC has already put forward their "hybrid" approach. I've not read anything that says anyone called bullshit and they backed off it, though.

(Link is a secondary source, references paywalled WSJ article, but the quotes are what I linked it for. I didn't read what the techdirt guy had to add to it)

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