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Comment Re:WSJ is owned by NewsCorp now, right? (Score 5, Insightful) 231

It is still a fallacy though.

Let me help you understand how to stop fallacies:

X must equal Y because Variable M that does not require under all circumstances that X must equal Y given the presence of Variable M.

So for example, does news corp or the wallstreet journal ALWAYS lie? Obviously not.

What is more, MUST they lie? For example, if we had a computer program that reported on a binary value and it always gave the opposite value to whatever it read. Then you could conclude that variable X was the opposite of whatever that program said. Neither newscorp nor the Wallstreet journal are reliability reporting the opposite of anything.

Therefore it is logically fallacious to say that something they said is a lie because they said it.


Fallacies are about LOGIC. Not you fucking politics.

You can't say anything is automatically bullshit no matter who says it because no one is reliably wrong 100 percent of the time.

You can of course take what they say with a grain of salt. You can choose to ignore them. You can hold any sort of opinion you want.

You cannot say that everything they say is wrong or that any given thing is wrong simply because they said it.

You have to actually wade into the issue and form a discrete opinion of it.

If you can't be bothered to do that, then your opinion is based entirely on your own bias and the value of your opinion is based on the value of your bias. Which in this place is literally nothing.

Comment Meh... (Score -1) 247

I can't imagine it is really a big water treatment issue since they have a different density than water and you could separate them with settling tanks and skimmers.

And I don't see it matters for industry really because they'll just go back to using what they were using before which is mostly - sand.

You use this stuff as an abrasive and maybe the microbeads are mildly less abrasive? I don't know... anyway, they'll just replace this with very fine sand.

Thus - Meh.

Its a nothing issue either way.

Comment Re:Sadly not much (Score 1) 385

Not at all... there are many issues like all the time and they cut both ways.

You have black people going out to kill white people. You have white people going out to kill black people. You have criminals of some random race going out to kill other criminals of some other random race. You have police killing criminals of a race. You have criminals of a race killing police.

If you actually covered this stuff except when you wanted to support a political agenda, you'd cover it more and you'd cover a more varied spectrum of cases.

The fact that you convienently only find these cases to piggyback on a national story AND only report stories that support that message proves it since any moron that looks at the statistics will see that you can find LOTS of examples of the story going all sorts of other ways.

For example, there was a convict that wall pulled over by a female police officer... he got out of the police car when asked and waited for the female police officer to frisk him. Where upon he turned around quickly and beat the woman to death.

Did you hear about that? Not brutal enough? Would you like me to mix in some rape on top of that because there are other incidents where it went that way. I can also cite incidents where street gangs attacked businesses in their "territory" based on the race of the people that either owned or worked at the business.

Did you hear about that?

So no. You're pushing an agenda.

Comment Re:Sadly not much (Score 1) 385

I'm including the population of the county... apparently only 10 million.

Doesn't matter. Though I underestimated the number of murders apparently over 500 in the last 12 months:

Which is apparently low if anything. I see it has gone over 1000 in some years.

Comment Re:Sadly not much (Score 1) 385

There is quite a bit of contradiction though which is AGAIN why people are blending alternative media into their mix. If you include the internet only media sources you tend to get that contradiction.

If you're only reading the online version of traditional media then you're in almost the same place you were before. But we've seen an explosion in interest in alternative media.

It is much harder to bury stories or manipulate the news.

That it works at all is mostly due to much of the baby boom generation still sticking with dead tree media.

Comment Too bad they failed... (Score 1) 94

The success of this sort of thing could cripple the walled garden model. We need a more decentralized software distribution system. Yes, people that are terrible at this sort of thing profit from a walled garden. But it is also a crutch, gives too much power to apple, google, etc, and is apparently a security risk.

Comment Re:And most don't care (Score 3, Informative) 94

That's because it doesn't affect most people. Besides, in relative terms it isn't too bad. Yes, pervasive surveillance infringes people's rights[1], and (speculatively) a small number of people who haven't done anything wrong get hurt by that. But the US (and the rest of the 5 eyes) aren't China, or North Korea, or ISIS. They aren't actively killing or seriously repressing large numbers of their own people. All this stuff just doesn't impact on the life of Joe Ordinary, so he doesn't care.

Some people within the United States may disagree with you. Pot, meet Kettle. Kettle, meet Pot.

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