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User Journal

Journal Journal: Are contracts signed in Ambulances consensual? 7

Can a contract signed in an ambulance or an emergency room authorizing treatment be considered free consent?

This question comes from the recent decision in Belgium to extend the right of euthanasia to children. I of course am arguing that euthanasia is never done with free consent even for adults- the pain of the disease is equivalent to a contract signed under torture, and thus cannot be considered free consent.

User Journal

Journal Journal: When Did 'Beta' Become A Dirty Word On /. ? 5

Just spotted that people are stuffing comments into various stories here for the sole purpose of complaining about the /. Beta.

Maybe it's because I only occasionally visit here, but are people really that hung up on the current design?

Hell, I can remember when /. didn't even bother with any testing, period, just shoved changes straight onto the production servers. Fun times. (Not)

Having looked at the Beta, it seems to me a damn sight cleaner that some news sites I can think of*. Ok, the comment view controls could use some refining, but that's the whole point of beta-testing, right?

(*I still have nightmares about pre-2000s ZDNet. Makes the current design look almost pleasant by comparison.)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Congress and science now obsolete 16

All hail the mighty pen of the executive, able to correct immigration abuse, low wages for federal contractors, retroactively change the course of technology in the oil industry (did Dr. Who imbibe the pen with the powers of the Tardis?) and even able to declare global warming a fact by fiat.

The executive order has become the law of the land. I guess THIS is how democracy dies.
Go here for more laughs from the State of the Onion

User Journal

Journal Journal: Obamaspeak is almost as good as Newspeak 5

From a CNN news alert in my e-mail:

Obama said he was ordering changes that will end the bulk collection of metadata "as it currently exists, and establish a mechanism that preserves the capabilities we need without the government holding this bulk metadata."

In other words, we're still listening, but we want to outsource our data retention costs back to the phone companies.

User Journal

Journal Journal: I am a masochist 5

I'm a masochist. No, not of the sexual variety. Of the slashdot variety. For some reason, not only do I still continue to read this site, I click on links to stories about cars and phones. The raging stupidity and arrogance is amazing.

And yet I come back.

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The trouble with a lot of self-made men is that they worship their creator.
