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Comment Re:Glad were stopping the evil socialists (Score 1) 182

they decided they didn't want her involved in a protracted legal battle, so they allowed the plea bargain.

This is not how prosecution works. For a criminal charge, it's not up to the parents or the victim. The prosecutor makes the decision whether or not to go ahead with the trial, based on what they believe they can prove in court.

Also, he's 57.

Bullshit. If your case is based primarily on the testimony of one witness - you can try to talk them into cooperating, but if they are against it you do what you want. Any prosecutor that doesn't is an idiot.

Comment Re:Glad were stopping the evil socialists (Score 1) 182

Stumbo and the poster are both republicans.... it's twisted, stupid as fuck thinking.

Shows how head-stuck-up-his-ass partisan fucktard you are - because I am not a Republican. But in your twisted end-justifies-the-means worldview any shitty fucked-in-the-head piece of shit that will sell his own mother is fine and dandy with you - as long as he talks the talk - rah rah my team.

Useful idiot if I've even seen one. All that hate ain't gonna get you a better world, asshole.

Comment Re:Glad were stopping the evil socialists (Score 2) 182

Did you read your own link? He has not been convicted of "being a pedophile" (being a pedophile is not a crime), his conviction was a plea bargain for a misdemeanor: "contributing to the sexual delinquency of a minor." It's unfortunate that something like that is illegal at all, but a misdemeanor seems about right given that she was seventeen, she insists that nothing happened, and if it did it was clearly consensual.

The fucker is 47 years old. 47!!! What version of "consensual" was it? The original charges were much worse, but after the parents realized their daughter was PREGNANT (like, how did THAT happen?), they decided they didn't want her involved in a protracted legal battle, so they allowed the plea bargain.

Or, like I said, you're okay with it because he was a Democrat.

Comment Re:Glad were stopping the evil socialists (Score 2, Informative) 182

But that was the only time. I have a very low opinion of the electorate.

Yea, no shit. Last week in Virginia, the voters re-elected a convicted pedophile, running from jail. But don't worry - he's on work-release so he can head down to the General Assembly to cast his votes... :/

I guess it's okay since he's a Democrat.

Comment Re: a better question (Score 1) 592

I'd rather have a mini tower with room for at least two, preferably three, drives (an SSD for the OS + apps and a big data drive or two), built in card reader and maybe built in optical drive. Oh, and a decent number of USB ports.

Just wait until you see the next version of the Macbook Air. The only ports will be 1 headphone jack and 1 USB Type-C connector. No Thunderbolt, and no USB ports that fill all the cables and devices you have right now. And supposedly it will be using that jack for power.

But don't worry! Just get an AirPort extreme and a few $35 cables from the Apple store and you'll be fine!

Comment Re:His hotheaded attitude might turn people away (Score 3, Insightful) 361

I suspect there are some mission critical projects which have decided to not use Linux when they found out how unprofessionally the leader acts. "Cool kernel, but can we really put our trust on this kind of guy?"

Then how do you explain all those mission critical projects using Oracle?

Comment Re:strawman; nobody's asking him to be "PC" or "ni (Score 1) 361

Nobody's asking him to be PC. Not many people are asking him to be friendly or polite. People are asking him to not be publicly abusive, to not be a bully, and to recognize the impact his words have on others. It is perfectly possible to be an effective manager and leader without being abusive and bullying. Stick to the facts, among other things.

Forget it, Lennert. You're not going to get an apology - you deserved everything that was said to you, and you know it.

Comment Re:Where's this desire for "nice" coming from? (Score 0) 361

I'm quite surprised to see people in the US asking for it!

I'm not. The USA is drifting farther away from being a meritocracy. More emphasis is placed upon achievement in social circles than professionally with STEM skills. "Nice" is a codeword for displaying the proper deference for people who may not have the technical skills to do a job but have been placed in charge (or see themselves as social leaders) of a group.

Exactly. And it works, because success in the US today is so closely tied to the political and social connections you have, not having valuable skill, that is a distant second. If you're really good at what you do, the best you can hope for is being a wage slave to someone who has the political connections that you don't.

Comment Re:Junk science (Score 1) 154

I've always thought the theory of language evolving in order to make "promises" was the most insightful and reasonable one I've ever heard. The ability to ask for favors with the promise of a favor later is extremely important in the development of human intelligence. Of course, there were drawbacks. The ability to make promises soon gave rise to the ability to lie. And the politician was born.

Comment Re:Pope Francis - fuck your mother (Score 1) 894

By recent estimates at least 85% of people believe in God, in some form or another. That is a lot of people that you will never have as friends, never closely associate with, and will never learn from because of one thing that you disagree with them about.

I should be so lucky.

How many of those 85% actually act like they believe God is watching? Even most of the religious officials apparently can't manage it.

True enough. And that - a person's behavior - should be the basis for whether they earn your respect or lose it, not the beliefs that they hold. I do not think that moral behavior requires a belief that some deity is watching over your shoulder all the time. As someone once famously said, "Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching." (or something along those lines).

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