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Comment Re:Actually makes good sense (Score 1) 702

Or you could realize that we should live up to the title of 'land of the free' and make decisions based on that. There really doesn't need to be a 100% literal and explicit definition of those things for you to see that things like the TSA and NSA spying are unconstitutional.

We can certainly agree on that.

Comment Re:Actually makes good sense (Score 2) 702

Changing times and ambiguities in the original text say otherwise.

Then consult historical documents. It's a living document only in the sense that it can be amended.

Even in the case where we're explicitly saying "this is a dead document, follow it literally", the meanings of words change over time and the original meaning imparted by the text is lost.

Only true if the government intentionally ignores history.

What is the literal, non-interpreted meaning of "unusual punishment" or "unreasonable search"?

Comment Re:Incoming international flights (Score 1) 702

This was specifically for international flights into the US originating from certain countries, not a TSA-wide procedure.

Good point! However, it is not being reported that way. It's being reported like Syrian and Yemeni terrorists (it's spreading!) have found a new way to be diabolical, so the TSA has stepped up security, so you'd better be careful and not run afoul of the TSA. That detail about it only being from certain countries is not being conveyed in the reporting I've seen.

Comment Re:Never meant to upset? (Score 3, Informative) 160

Testify! As was said before on /. change your information to nonsense and leave. Afterthought Look up the British journalist whose photo was used for a prostitution service she objected and was told because the advertisers liked her photo they could use it and there was nothing she could do about it.

Facebook's ability to do that is right there in the EULA. Yes, I actually read Facebook's EULA. Anything you post on the site is yours, but they enjoy the right to use it in any way they like while it's there. So this journalist agreed to let them do that when she signed up. She likely didn't know that, because who actually reads EULA's, right? It's one more reason I'm not on Facebook.

Comment Re:Uh... Yeah? (Score 1) 242

I'm not sure where you got my hope for my country to sabotage itself. That was not my intent. My point was that the reasons given publicly for our foreign policy actions are almost never the actual reasons. They are feel-good reasons that are designed to get the population to support the mission, even though they are lies.

I would love to have some influence on my country's foreign policy. However, foreign policy is deliberately insulated from the democratic process; always has been. So I can protest or write my congressman, but that's about it. And I would not expect much in the way of results from either action. The alternative would be to move to Washington DC and try to get directly involved. But I don't have the motivation to reorient my life like that. So I am left with trying to warn people on the Internet to not believe the reasons given the next time we go to war to liberate some population from some dictator that we supported up until he started doing things we didn't like.

Comment Re:Myths are socially hilarious (Score 1) 198

Then again, maybe "Ow my Balls!" will soon become a real show, probably on Fox.

It's already a real show. It's called Ridiculousness and it's on MTV.

Though I hate to admit it, I actually enjoy that show. But I realized a while back that it is essentially "Ow, My Balls". That knocked my self-regard down a peg.

Comment Re:Uh... Yeah? (Score 2) 242

I could go on and on about the moral implications and what not but the fact of the matter is this argument was resolved thousands of years ago with the simple line: "An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind" It's not a hard concept to grasp. WE are better than that. We don't need to do this. It's wrong, we all know it. It should stop immediately.

Wouldn't it be nice if our leaders considered what kind of world they're contributing to rather than just what they need to do to advance their "interests"?

Comment Re:Uh... Yeah? (Score 2) 242

...every single country in the world still has a military, and won't disband it just because "killing is wrong".

Countries have interests. They have a foreign policy aimed at defending these interest.

I hope we can all keep this in mind the next time our leaders tell us we are going to war to free an oppressed people or to stop some evil dictator form doing stuff evil dictators do. Foreign policy isn't about that. Ever.

Comment Re:in 1942 (Score 1) 710

only if you are a moron and live beyond your means

thats a big problem, people think just cause they work hard they are entitled to a mc mansion, new car, loads of toys and the best of everything, it was never that way in the past

Actually, debt is baked in. Do you know that every US dollar is existence is owed back to the Federal Reserve? If there were no debt, there would be no money. So yes, some people can live debt free. But that's only possible if someone else is taking on the debt. Under our current monetary system debt will only increase. It is physically impossible for most people to live debt free.

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