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Comment Re:It's about preventing public access to these wo (Score 1) 165

Google's plan to digitize and bring online all books is of immense value to society. All of the objections offer only to prevent this great service with no alternative. Therefore they are bad.

The alternative, mentioned time and again, is for Congress to write an exception into copyright law for the republication of protected works that are not currently being published. This would guarantee residuals to the authors (possibly held in trust by the WGA or another organization for authors who aren't easy to locate). It would open the field up to any electronic publisher and would allow for the handling of future works. Google would have the advantage of the search technology they have in place and their brand recognition. However, it would prevent them from getting complacent knowing that nobody can compete - another publisher who better-manages their collection could become the leader. There might also be a market for smaller, specialized collections, but with the current settlement we'll never know.

Google's plan is of immense value to Google. I'll grant that it's better'n the standing system (nothing), but society would do well to have clear laws to handle the rights rather than a limited "first grabbed, first served, if you talk fast and have lots of money" agreement.

Comment Re:Lie to me! (Score 0, Troll) 439

>>>Tell that to the fucking cameras that always get me a ticket for making a LEGAL RIGHT HAND TURN AT A RED LIGHT.

I don't believe this story.

Most cameras (or their operators) are intelligent enough to know the difference between an illegal move and a legal right turn. And even if were true, by this point you could sue the city for harassment, because you keep getting ticketed for doing nothing wrong. The AAA won a similar case in Washington D.C. (the lights were too short). The cameras are still there but the problem fixed.

Comment Re:So it's a fnacy nmae (Score 1) 1345

I assume with enough intelligent people, mundane or menial tasks would be automated and made obsolete. Jobs are around to fill needs for others. If those needs are filled without the need for people, you have another leap like we did with the previous agricultural revolution (which allowed people to specialize in specific fields instead of having to farm the majority of their lives).

Comment Re:Electric bike anyone? (Score 1) 282

There are several kits in the ballpark of the specs you specify, for less than half that cost. (e.g. They are not terribly popular.

People who are not willing to pedal generally have cars. For people willing to pedal, a regular bicycle is highly competent.

Batteries are heavy, and for bikes, weight is the enemy. If you add enough batteries to give you a meaningful boost, you no longer have a nice bike you want to power by pedaling. If you add enough more batteries to go faster than a bike (for short distances) you really don't want to bother pedaling, and you have a moped.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 282

I think the market that a product like this is geared to is not the two-cars-in-the-burbs market.

True. But just outside of the dense inner city, many, many families think they need two cars.
I was able to be a one car family for several years, simply because I could ride my bike to work. Most of the shopping, etc happened with the car.

Comment Re:The Wii is on the way down (Score 1) 163

I've been playing Call of Duty: World at War on the Wii and I've been pleasantly surprised. I haven't played it on any other console (or on the PC) so I'll probably hear it from people who have but I've been real happy with the controls. I don't use any type of gun to play, just the wiimote with the nunchuck attached, and I really love the controls. I've played other Call of Duty titles on both other consoles and on the PC and I'd pick the Wii controls over them any day.

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