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Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 769

Is it really so hard to just grind the beans and brew it yourself? I do this every morning.

Maybe because I like my coffee extra strong, and my wife likes a more mild coffee experience.

My wife got me an espresso machine several years ago for Christmas. I loved it. I used to buy the whole beans and grind them myself, and make my own espresso, but it -WAS- messy and time consuming. She couldn't do the straight-up espresso, so I had to steam milk for her too. More mess to clean up, and it needs to be done right away. The Keurig allows both of us to have coffee made exactly the way we want it, with minimum mess, all for a decent price.

Comment Re:You just got low expectations (Score 1) 110

There are people who liked Deus Ex: HR but those are exactly the kind of dumbed down console players that would have hated the original Thief and for that matter the original Deus Ex. It is the same people who think Bioshock is a worthy sequel to System Shock.

Stop generalizing. As a long-time "PC" gamer (I own a Mac), I've played a ton of FPS games dating all the way back to Wolfenstein 3D & Marathon. I loved the original DX, and enjoyed DX: HR quite a bit, though parts of it were disappointing. DX had a lot of replay value that HR didn't, and I hated the fact that you needed to use energy to use your melee attacks.

I never played System Shock, so I can't say if BioShock series was a worthy sequel, but I thought those were great too. They offered a lot of RPG elements both with the crafting system and the plasmid/vigor upgrades. I BS & DX:HR on the PS3 because they weren't available at launch on the Mac, though I really prefer to play FPS's with keyboard & mouse on the computer.

Comment Re:Now and then.. (Score 1) 270

Lets just say I am glad the days of all night Molten Core runs are over..But I do miss it sometimes.

Yeah, I had to give up WoW as well. I drew too much wife aggro. I still play games sometimes during my lunch break, but mostly things like Civ IV, where you don't have to invest a whole lot of time and can pick up pretty easily where you left off a few days later.

Comment Re:I know how to make it go faster... (Score 4, Informative) 163

How about just going back to a reasonable quick scan on the way to the plane? The whole premise was that anything you could get through such a scan was worthless.

Yeah, but then how would they be able to justify forcing people to throw away their bottles of water, shampoo, etc.? "That might be a bomb, throw it in that trash can over there!"

I went to SF for a conference, and bought a snow globe for my in-laws, as is my habit when I travel. They wouldn't let me take it because it could contain "bomb making materials", which is ludicrous. They told me I could either surrender the package, or go to the post office to mail it. If I went to the post office, I'd miss my flight and it was a $4 snow globe, so I told them I'd surrender it. I was highly frustrated and busy putting my stuff together that they had pulled apart, so I was too distracted to notice that they kept not just the snow globe, but the bag that had all of the other souvenirs I had bought, including t-shirts and Ghirardelli chocolates I got for the rest of my family. The TSA is a pack of thieving, security-theater perverts.

Comment Re:Tomorrow's News (Score 4, Funny) 324

Security expert Bruce Schneier was found dead in his home. The cause of death is unknown but police are investigating possible foul play.

The cause of death has been revealed. Schneier died from a single gunshot wound to the back of the head. Investigators have ruled his death a suicide.

Comment Re:Pick your favorite amendments! (Score 1) 380

Rand Paul has open disdain for other amendments of the constitution. He is using the fourth amendment to bring more attention to his presidential aspirations but when his corporate masters tell him later that the fourth amendment gets in the way of profit he will be in a hurry to backpedal.

Many people have disdain for the certain amendments. So what? Did you like the the 18th amendment? A lot of people didn't, which is why they repealed it. But they followed the Constitutional process for implementing it AND repealing it, which is exactly the way it's supposed to happen. It's sad that some people are more concerned with party affiliation and resort to ad hominem tu quoque than focus on the fact that somebody is trying to stand up for what's right.

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