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Comment Re:Hmmmm ... legality? (Score 1) 138

Or you could look at it that the vendor made the OFFER and *I* ACCEPTED their offer can you not?

The GP is slightly wrong misleading in that the price on Amazon *is* considered an offer (nomatter what they put in their T&C) and that your acceptance of it does make it binding, *unless* it's obviously a mistake. This was obviously a mistake therefore they don't have to honour it.

Comment Re:Very relevent for small target embedded stuff. (Score 3, Funny) 641

C is the high-level language there. If you want actual control over your target, you'll need to use assembly.

Luxury! You trust a compiler? When I were a lad we inputted the hex codes directly.
Well of course we had it tough... tape and a magnetised pin was all we needed.
You kids don't know you were born... we used to program using a cigarette end to burn holes in the punch cards.

Comment Re:Brand un-value (Score 1) 171

I am loath to join the general chorus of hate for Ubisoft and EA. Complaining about these companies being too focussed on commercial success and not enough of user-entertainment/"art" seems futile: they are, first and foremost, commercial companies.

I'm never quite convinced by this argument. Just because you can do something does not mean you must, and these companies are run be actual people, who can make decisions that aren't only following the dollar. Ultimately if you just want to make money then be a bank, everyone else has a certain amount of duty to provide their service, aswell as to being commercial.

Comment Re:Why is Android allowing Uber to access the info (Score 2) 234

Google didn't create Android, they backed it and later bought it. The original developers thought users were too dumb to use Linux, so they dumbed it down by stripping the security out of it to make it user friendly.

I don't really understand how this is 'true'. Linux security doesn't isolate process disk data from each other, anybody can read any part of the disk under the same user, which in practice is all apps a user use because they all run under the user's account. Android has a far *better* security model in this respect because it puts different applications in different users, so they can't get at each other. Also, permissions for system information is far more granular in Android than plain Linux, in Linux you just look at /proc whereas Android has to actually get types of permissions for sensitive data.

Comment Re:So, in essence, Uber's app is malware (Score 5, Informative) 234

How about Google does something about it? Like remove the app and takes Uber to court? I'm sure they can find a few terms in the app developer contract that they have violated.

Worse than that, Google an an invester of Uber. They have put in $250million, they should just go and demand that Uber stop fucking about.

Comment Re:Shattered (Score 1) 473

I just disagree that this is 'screwing people over'. You contribte to a Kickstarter, and they start a 2-year development cycle, it's a bit naive to expect exactly everything to work out as was originally planned. You have to expect a bit of give and take in the actual result.

Comment Re:Shattered (Score 1) 473

As has been pointed out before in this story, a lie requires intent. It is a bit of a stretch to claim they never intended to make a disconnected game, just that it hasn't worked out that way. A project that has been in development for nearly 2 years does not know all the challenges and how the whole thing is going to turn out. Things change all the time.

It would be far more accurate to say that they 'failed' to make what was initially promised, and then perhaps we can be a little less over emotional about it.

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I'd rather just believe that it's done by little elves running around.
