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Comment Re:Should have had these waiting on the shelf (Score 1) 565

These domes must be custom fit to the leak, depth, and seabed hardness. It may look crude but it has many important engineering points. Also, they are so large that it is impractical to move it by any method other than shipping. Shipping between coastlines takes longer than building it on-site like they are doing. Also because of the size and shape, it is very difficult to keep them off-dock because they are not functional for over-the-road delivery. Permanent on-dock space is expensive (I work for a port company).

So they would have to keep multiple sizes on each multiple coastlines on-dock to cover a failsafe (blowout valve) that has never failed. I don't think they deserve the criticism you're giving them for not predicting such a extremely unlikely scenario and planning around it.

Comment Re:Performance? (Score 3, Insightful) 209

Well, one thing this will hopefully cut down on is all the extra images and associated markup that's being used today when attempting to create something that doesn't just look like a flat, ugly and ancient chunk of text (hint: the web has evolved past being the equivalent of a bunch of networked text files). It also means that designers can more easily make sites that don't break for some users because they don't have the right fonts (this is a major issue, the default serif and sans-serif fonts are rarely the same between operating systems and a lot of times even versions of the same operating system).

Dismissing websites that have actually been designed as opposed to just latex2html-ified as "art" really just makes you come off as a grumpy person with no sense for estetics and good presentation of the information.

I'm not saying this won't be abused, everything that can be abused will be abused, most likely by some teenager who just took his/her school's "intro to web design" course that teaches only the basics of "how" and not the "why" (as in, "how" to use web fonts, not "why" you should use them). Also, with a little luck this will be a feature that you can disable for those sites that insist on misbehaving.

Comment Re:Is the game play actually net new? (Score 2, Insightful) 462

I simply don't have the time to finish a 60 hour game anymore.

You have an hour a night? You can complete a great RPG in 2 months. And you'll be sorry when it's over. I don't think the problem is the length of the game, but your ADD.

The problem is there aren't many "great" RPGs anymore, of any stripe. Especially lacking are the ones of "epic greatness" that would warrant dedicating two months worth of free time to. You can play through a lot of "damn good" games in that amount of time.

Comment Re:Should have had these waiting on the shelf (Score 1) 565

It's gambling with other people's coastlines, they're willing to take that risk if it means a more profitable well, simple as that.

Don't forget that a regulation applied to all companies merely increases the cost of everyones oil. Its not like anyones profit will change.

Whats more destructive, a bit of oil on the coasts of a major drilling site, or doubling the cost of petroleum... There is a fair argument that we're better off with the occasional leak rather than committing economic suicide...

Put another way, you can invest that money in solar panels or in unused relief wells, which is better?

Now implementing the "brazil rule" in the GoM, that would be interesting. Brazil Petrobras used to force drillers to activate the BOP on a live drilling string... chop clean thru that baby, live. That might be a reasonable middle ground. Knowing this BOP worked in a worst case scenario is a better (although more expensive) test than the kind of tests they do now.

Comment Re:Here's an interesting thought... (Score 2, Informative) 554

Basically, a poor class and semester planning by the teachers overloads the students so badly that they don't even have time to pee, let alone to themselves and to do homework.

I hardly think that's the problem.

In college you schedule your own classes. If you overburdened yourself, that's your problem. If you're trying to support a family (and this is very much an exception) perhaps you should be attending part time.

The reason people don't go to class is (a) they know the material and don't feel compelled to go or (b) they don't want to (usually because they're hung-over).

I stressed about exams occasionally as an undergrad too, but neither I nor any of my friends were ever in a position where we couldn't go to class because we had too much studying to do. Actual classroom time was usually ~30 hours/week.

Comment Pot... kettle... black... (Score 1) 574

This guy is not paying attention, yet will be voting on bills that will affect our entire country.

Speaking of people not paying attention.....I realize that you might not have read the article, but you could have at least read the TITLE, which said he's a state senator -- meaning that he votes don't affect the entire country -- just Florida.

Comment Re:Recover, Repair, Refuel Satellites (Score 0, Troll) 234

Also is folks listened to the MIT lectures on building the shuttle, they mentioned that the engines in the shuttle wouldn't have to be torn down and rebuilt between flights if the electronics were built onto the engine such the engines could be tested without removing them.

Sigh. Because NASA never thought of that?

Weight matters. So does complexity.

Is it just me, or is the only thing they teach at MIT arrogance?

Comment Re:An observation (Score 1) 250

So? Welcome to science!

A whole lot of "laws" were formulated and used, considered correct and useful until at one day they were proven incorrect. Considering how insignificant Moore's law is when it comes to the scientific community, I could think of worse contradictions.

Comment Can't the FCC give us ala carte pricing at least? (Score 1) 279

REAL ala carte pricing, where I can pick and choose the channels I want? I know there's some lame version of it available now, if you call your cable company between 4:30 and 4:35 and get that one girl who smokes a lot and actually knows they can do this even though it's like $29.99 per channel when purchased ala carte?

I know there's some bullshit reason they don't do this, something along the lines of the way they "buy" channels from the networks/content producers who insist they take 10 really lame channels to get one good one, and wouldn't you know, they pass the fruits of that bad deal right on down to the viewer.

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