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Comment Re:No competitive advantage (Score 1) 71

...This particular company was badly structured and was actually incurring all sorts of needless costs and problems by not having their house in order. If anything the FDA will make them more competitive in the long run.

Interesting. I hate bureaucracy as much as anyone, but I guess I have a love-hate relationship with it. I can see its advantages even as I curse its practitioners. They'll probably get rid of all the cowboys that solved most of their problems (and caused some). Hopefully the bureaucrats will convert the knowledge to processes before they drive them off.

Comment Re:As opposed to American Trolls? (Score 1) 269

Sorry, I've been monitoring some the forums of some German news sites and can guarantee you that American trolls are totally outnumbered by the Russian propaganda machinery. And yes, it's blazingly obvious that these posters are paid and use vast numbers of fake accounts.

+1 interesting. Anyone else with a non-American new site perspective?

Comment Re:Pronunciation (Score 1) 196

Agh! It's even ambiguous in their video. Is it pronounced "Nome", or "G'nome"? The female narrator in the video says g'nome at the beginning, and then makes the 'g' silent toward the end.

I can't take this anymore. And that, my friends, is why I use KDE.

Errr...is the "K" silent?

Comment Re:"We also walk dogs" (Robert A. Heinlein) (Score 1) 110

"The Green Hills of Earth" sends me to the Way-back Machine(tm). Great stories. Lot's of optimism, despite whatever problems were in the stories. He wrote a lot about dystopian societies, generally communistic or religious totalitarianisms. The plucky protagonists always found a way out. It always helped that they were independently wealthy or off the grid.

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