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Comment Re:jQuery is for lazy, fat, "developers" (Score 1) 218

The options are: 1) Use a library that harms both performance and readability 2) Don't use a library and enjoy better performance and readability.

With jQuery, you save maybe a few minutes of development time, assuming the developer is already familiar with the library, but it costs you a lot in application performance and maintenance costs. The few extra minutes it takes to do things right in the first place quickly pays for itself.

Comment Re:Not much of a debate... (Score 1) 161

It's not 2008 anymore. Get with the times.

Let's take FireFoxOS as an example. I have a ZTE Open, the lowest of the low-end, running FXOS 1.2 -- an older, slower, version of the OS. The only advantage is its excellent support for web standards.

There are some awful examples of HTML5 apps on the platform, notably the popular solitaire game offered through the marketplace. There are also exceptional apps, that you'd think were native if they were running on any other platform, such as fast-paced 3d games and physics-based games that run without slow-downs or stuttering at a high frame-rate. Seeing what's possible, there's no excuse for far less demanding apps to perform so poorly.

Now, you do take a performance hit when you use tools like PhoneGap that purport to abstract away differences between platforms -- doubly so when you add-on ridiculous libraries like jQueryUI, which are known to slow-down your UI dramatically. Don't be stupid, don't use awful third-party libraries, and avoid unnecessary layers of abstraction and you can have a fast and responsive HTML5 app.

Comment Re:Logical fallacy here... (Score 1) 302

I've not see a mess like that in ages. Not only is your Latin impressively wrong, your application of logic is impossibly bad.

It all goes to hell at the very beginning with "Ad prop". I don't even know what you were trying to say. It's complete gibberish. (If I had to guess, you were trying to use the phrase "post hoc ergo propter hoc" which directly translates to "after this, therefore, because of this". Though that has nothing to do with the rest of your post.)

Moving on, the logic is as incomprehensible as your latin. "If this then that" (to which you thought that nonsense you wrote translates) is perfectly acceptable. Consider, for example, the modus ponens form: a -> b; a; :. b (by material implication, if you'd rather: a' v b; a; :. b)

I should also note, for the sake of my own sanity, that an invalid argument asserts nothing about the truth of the conclusion. Shouting "logical fallacy!" is silly under the best of circumstances. It's absurd when you clearly don't understand basic logic.

Comment Re:So let me get this straight (Score 2) 686

Well, no. Not voting is generally interpreted a few ways, none of which are "You're protesting against the political system". It's usually "You're too lazy to get out and vote", "You couldn't be bothered to remember the date of the election", or "You were so uninformed that you didn't know there was an election".

You may want to consider the message your non-voting habit actually sends, and adjust your actions accordingly .

Comment Re:Why the hate for VB (Score 1) 181

The advantage is usually in readability. Programming languages are, for the most part, terse enough. Most could benefit from a little verbosity. Brevity is not always beneficial.

Java is interesting as it's not the syntax and keywords that lead to it's absurd verbosity. That's a function of the language itself and the JCL.

Comment Re:What's the problem? (Score 1) 208

Whereas scientists principally use deduction

To all autodidacts: Imagine if YOU were to make a statement this absurd, without even a hint of self doubt. Worse, what if this is the kind of thing you actually believe as a result of your online "learning" adventures?

This is why a formal education is important. On your own, you could very well end up the the AC above -- so deeply misinformed that there's little hope for recovery.

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