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Comment Re: (Score 1) 1134

How sad you must be to not know that anything with /r/insertwhateverhere is Reddit.

Sad? I'd say the exact opposite of that. Moving on...

"The Fappening" refers to a series of nude photographs featuring various high profile celebrities leaked on 4chan in late August of 2014.

You have absolutely no evidence, so you direct me to a porn site? Are you 12? Why not just link to goatse?


Comment Re: + operator for string concat? (Score 1) 729

Well, I try again: I said the behavior of the "+" operator in Javascript is non-deterministic because you have no way to guarantee the type of the variables involved

Nice change. (You never said that! At least you're trying to learn from your mistakes.) Of course, all it does is make you look like an idiot. 1) because you don't know what the term "non-deterministic" means 2) because variables in JS don't have types, values do.

Let me guess: You're an autodidact?

(and therefore the hack to ensure that what should be a string remains a string so that the operation using the "+" return the expected result for a string).

This has been driving me crazy. Since when is an explicit cast an "ugly hack"? How long have you been programming, half an hour?

Comment Re: + operator for string concat? (Score 1) 729

So you rescind your claims that "the language behaves in a non-deterministic way" and "there is no way to say with certainty what the interpreter will do since there's no telling for sure if he will treat the "+" operator as a sum of integers or a concatenation of strings"?

That's what this whole thing was about, after all. If you're willing to accept that those nonsense claims are total nonsense, then we're in complete agreement.

If you're not, then you're 100% wrong when you claim to "know how the '+' operator works".

I wonder, as you double-down on your lunacy:

The ugly hack I mentioned earlier just makes sure that a given string variable will be interpreted as a string when I need it to be a string"

You wouldn't need your "ugly hack" if you knew how the + operator worked, after all.

Comment Re: + operator for string concat? (Score 1) 729

No, you didn't. You still don't know how the + operator works. You just came up with a convoluted way to avoid learning how it works.

If you had actually learned how the + operator works, you wouldn't say ridiculous things like "random" or "there is no way to say with certainty what the interpreter will do".

Perhaps you shouldn't post about things you know nothing about. If nothing else, when someone points out how ridiculous you sound, you read the docs to make sure that you're not continuing to spread nonsense.

Comment Re: + operator for string concat? (Score 1) 729

If you were better at interpreting text and had dealt more with the case described, you would have understood what I mean by random is that there is no way to say with certainty what the interpreter will do since there's no telling for sure if he will treat the "+" operator as a sum of integers or a concatenation of strings.

It's like I'm talking to a wall.

There IS a "way to say with certainty what the interpreter will do". You just haven't taken the few minutes required to find out how!

It's happened to me more than once

Then you're either ridiculously lazy or a complete moron. You'll find that if you actually learn the language before you use it, you won't struggle with simple things.

Again, it's not the language's fault that you're unwilling or unable to learn how it works!

Comment Re:I can't believe we're afraid of these assholes (Score 1) 542

Remember, we are specifically talking about the action of belief,

No, we're not. We're talking about the belief in the existence of the teapot. Pay attention.

Let's take two people, Alice and Bob. Clara asks both of them if such a teapot exists. Alice says "I don't believe that teapot exists". Bob says "I believe no such teapot exists." Which of the following statements are true: (1) "Bob believes the teapot exists" (2) "Alice believes no teapot exists" (3) "Alice believes the teapot exists" (4) "Bob believes no teapot exists".

If that's still tripping you up, how would Alice and Bob each answer the question "Does the teapot exist?" with a simple "yes" or "no".

I don't believe. In anything at all. I have zero beliefs. [snip] This is the only trace of "belief" you will find in my entire being. I believe in nothing else.


Your problem is that you think that belief means something like "belief without reason" or "belief without evidence" or whatever other nonsense some youtube personality fed you. You like to think that you're above such things, some perfectly rational being, accepting only the assumptions necessary to function.

This is what happens when you get your "education" from blogs, forums, and youtube instead of a university.

Unless you're completely delusional, you'll soon come to discover that that isn't even remotely true. Even worse, you'll find that you actually DO believe things without reason or evidence -- most things, in fact. Go ahead, give it a bit of thought.

See, belief isn't subject to the will, after all. You can't choose to believe or choose to not believe in things. Give it a try. You can say it, but you can't actually force a change in your beliefs. (This isn't to say that beliefs can not change. For example, you could be convinced or otherwise compelled in to changing a belief.)

Comment Re: (Score 1) 1134

I see that you're deeply confused by this concept of 'evidence'.

You can repeat "the truth is out there" all you want, just don't expect anyone to dive in to your paranoid fantasies just to see if there's anything to them. If you can't support your outlandish claims, I have absolutely no reason to believe them.

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