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Comment Re:Stamps? (Score 2) 94

> Can you tell me the thickness of a U.S. Postage stamp with the glue on it?

A: Get a pile of stamp sheets, measure the height, and do a calculation. (You did go to school, didn't you.)

A history lesson for you young-uns.

Back before the internet, guys like this were generally only found in the back room of libraries, sorting incoming books and handling interlibrary loans - safely sequestered from the rest of society.

(My college job was at our university library, way back in the 1980s... no, at the front desk!)

Comment Re:Best of 2009? May be, but we live in 2014. Righ (Score 5, Insightful) 132

Actually, it is still great if you want to use it as a tool and not a toy.

Just keep those blinders on, son. Just keep telling yourself what other people use their iPhones and Android phones for isn't to get stuff done - it's not like they're doing WORK the way you are! Don't ask yourself how all those people who switched away from Blackberry could possibly not see how they're no longer getting anything done with those lesser phones...

Comment I actually agree with this decision; but (Score 1) 435

"We cannot keep doing the same thing and expect a different result. It does not serve America's interests, or the Cuban people, to try to push Cuba toward collapse. We know from hard-learned experience that it is better to encourage and support reform than to impose policies that will render a country a failed state," said the White House in a written statement.

So would the same people that support this move also say we should have continued with "constructive engagement" vis a vis South Africa during apartheid rather than imposing the punitive sanctions that were demanded by many left-of-center folks?

Comment Re:Move to a gated community (Score 1) 611

... Other less dysfunctional cities either have better mass transit or a lot fewer people wanting to go a non-trivial distance. Hell, all you have to do is look north to San Francisco and Oakland, where BART siphons off enough demand from the freeways to keep them flowing much more cleanly than in LA, the only real exceptions being the choke points where trains are at maximum capacity at rush hour (the Bay Bridge and Transbay Tube) or where the BART line ends where there's still a lot of commuter traffic on the parallel freeway (I-80 in Richmond)...

Another vexing problem LA commuters have to deal with, while those in San Francisco or Oakland do not, is the presence of Bus Pirates.

Comment Re: America, land of the free... (Score 3, Insightful) 720

The fundamental problem is - sysadmins have more or less unfettered access to a companies' systems, and there's no good way for non-technical people to tell if a sysadmin is misusing his position. If you're the one running a company's mail server, you can conceivably intercept all sorts of sensitive information. It's the same if you're the one responsible for keeping company desktops operational.

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