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Comment Re:Better ways to track users (Score 5, Funny) 76

Because 90% of the time the bad guy knows it takes 20 seconds, and has a stopwatch by the phone, and hangs up at like 19 seconds, just to toy with the good guy.

Which is why, back in 2007, the NSA infiltrated stopwatch manufacturers and altered their timing mechanisms so they run slow - when a stopwatch says 19 seconds, in truth it's been a bit over 20 seconds. So now when the bad guy thinks he's outsmarted the beautiful police detective, she's had time to set up that GUI in Visual Basic and knows exactly where he is.

Don't believe me? Just look at the number of world records that have fallen during the last few Olympic Games.

Comment Re:Do they? (Score 1) 329

Check my math, okay?
100 tech women
56% leave the private sector (56 in this example)
75% of the 56 continue to work full time (42 in this example)
~50% of 42 continue in tech (21 in this example)

So that 21 plus the 44 that did not change is 65. So only 35% of women in tech leave tech in mid-career. 65% are in tech and stay in tech full time.

Well, there is also a dearth of women studying mathematics.

Comment Interesting difference between GPS and Galileo (Score 1) 140

Unlike existing GPS, Galileo has an interactive "search and rescue" function that can interact with the unit on the ground.

Given how infrequently this would be useful in the grand scheme of things - and the likely higher power requirements over passive GPS - the paranoid person in me wonders if the real reason this was included is because spy agencies requested it. With GPS being passive, taking advantage of it to locate a target requires a second piece of software be loaded onto the device.

Comment Bill Nye the Science Guy (Score 1) 364

As a long-time "Puget Sound"-ite, I was always under the impression that - prior to his big break with Almost Live - Bill Nye had already been trying to break into comedy and/or show business (although he was indeed a Boeing engineer).

I do know that he didn't start out as "Bill Nye the Science Guy" - it was a name John Kiester offhandedly coined which stuck (because, frankly, it was perfect for him).

Comment Re:Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.... (Score 3, Interesting) 116

Beware of Greeks bearing gifts....

Remember, the NSA is the group that originally gave us Tor. If I was one of the original developers, and I took pride in my work - it is likely I would continue to help the project improve, even if my employer had changed focus.

Also, remember that the NSA is not just one huge monolithic group with only one task on their plate. I find it easy to believe that some folks there question the wisdom of attempting to cripple security (such as they seem to have done with the elliptic curve ciphers). Plus code breakers and cryptographers are, in general, going to be working at cross purposes - it's the nature of their jobs.

Comment Re:Yes Google and FB are the ones to protect us? (Score 1) 116

Are you aware that Google is one of the last big internet guys who refuses to cooperate with the Chinese government?

What are you talking about? Google pretty much capitulated to the Chinese government on all fronts a couple years ago.

Do some DuckDuckGo'ing if you don't believe me. I'd suggest not searching for this using Google, since using that engine for this seems to bury some of the less favorable stories - the ones at the top are the ones that use language refer to Google "reluctantly" giving in.

But in any case there have been multiple instances over the past several years where Google has made noise about standing up to China, then more quietly reversed course months later. But people only seem to remember the original noise, which means Google has an effective PR team.

Comment Re: C (Score 2) 142

Going back pre-smartphone, when the only real players in the PDA arena were Palm and Microsoft, Microsoft surpassed Palm in 2004, and from then on it was all downhill for Palm as they tried to update an archaic OS to utilize advances in hardware.

So you're saying that, during the past few years, Microsoft has basically been slogging through the same experience Palm went through a decade ago.

Comment Re:Amazon Prime (Score 3, Insightful) 136

It doesn't matter if the Washington Post is personally owned or not - Bezos' personal fortune is dependent on both it and on Amazon.com, and he's the one calling the shots with both companies. So this attempt to use one of his companies to drive business to another of his companies shouldn't be surprising.

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