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Comment Re:... Driverless cars? (Score 1) 301

Tie your knees down and read it again. I said that the concessions forced by unions PREVENTED a communist revolution and that it's a GOOD thing that they did.

If you WANT a communist revolution, by all means take back all that the unions have gained and ban them. Give a few years for the pressure to build up (plus or minus a few cities being burned) and BAM you'll have your revolution.

I prefer that we keep the relief valve in place maintaining a reasonable balance so we can avoid all that nonsense. Even better would be enlightened management recognizing that tightening the screws causes unions and union problems and adopting a more balanced approach, but given the quality of MBAs these days I'm not holding my breath.

Comment Re:fees (Score 2) 391

Title II could make that happen, but it will be a few years until there are enough choices to make a market work half decently.

For example, back when dial-up was the best technology generally available there were dozens of ISPs to choose from, all connected to a highly regulated POTS network. Prices dropped like a rock and if there was an issue, you could actually get your call elevated to the actual network admin.

The big flub with DSL was not giving the regulations enough teeth to make access truly equal. Many providers gave up when it took a month or three to get their DSLAM connected to a subscriber line but the local Bell's own service would get connected within 24 hours.

Comment Re:fees (Score 1) 391

It has everything to do with what capitalism becomes when the market regulators are asleep at the switch or simply absent. There is no such thing as "free market capitalism". It is either Capitalism and the market regulations that come with or it is not Capitalism at all. You can't call it anarchy and you can't claim that the government isn't involved because that would make corporations non-existent.

Corporatism might fit or Cronyism or perhaps just plain old corruption.

Submission + - Inhofe hurls snowball on Senate floor (thehill.com)

mdsolar writes: "Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) threw a snowball on the Senate floor Thursday in an effort to disprove what he sees as alarmist conclusions about man-made climate change.

Inhofe, chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, said the snowball was from outside in Washington, which he used to argue against claims that the earth’s temperature is rising due to greenhouse gas emissions.

“In case we have forgotten, because we keep hearing that 2014 has been the warmest year on record, I ask the chair, do you know what this is,” Inhofe said to Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.), who was presiding over the Senate’s debate, as he removed the snowball from a plastic bag.

“It’s a snowball. And it’s just from outside here. So it’s very, very cold out. Very unseasonable.”

He then warned Cassidy before throwing the snowball at him.

An Inhofe aide said the snowball was caught by a congressional page.

“We hear the perpetual headline that 2014 has been the warmest year on record,” he said, referring to a report last month from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

“But now the script has flipped,” he said of the unseasonably cold weather."

Submission + - Is methane-based life the next big thing?

Randym writes: With the simultaneous announcement of a possible nitrogen-based cell-like structure allowing life outside the "liquid water zone" (but within a methane atmosphere) announced by researchers at Cornell and the mystery of *fluctuating* methane levels on Mars raising the possibility of methane-respiring life, there now exists the possibility of a whole new branch of the tree of life that does not rely on either carbon *or* oxygen respiration. We may find evidence of such life here on Earth down in the mantle where "traditional" life cannot survive, but where bacteria has evolved to live off hydrocarbons like methane and benzene.

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