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Comment Re:$230 (Score 1) 611

I'm convinced that ad based funding is a bubble waiting to pop.

Congratulations on learning the lessons of history! You must have been paying attention to past trends in print media, which in this case are completely applicable to the modern technology.

I almost never watch anything on youtube anymore.

I haven't seen an ad on youtube in ages. I have a youtube adblocker on my android phone (via Xposed Framework) and I use adblock on desktops.

Comment Re:Ads or Paywalls, take your pick (Score 1) 611

How do you propose to reimburse people who generate or curate content, such as the editors at Slashdot, or the writers at Cracked or the Onion?

I don't. The slashdot editors don't deserve any money, since they don't actually do their job. Cracked regularly slips some completely ignorant or perhaps willful bullshit into their top ten lists, where anyone with even passing familiarity can see they have no fucking clue what they're on about. The Onion will get paid by someone, but not me, and if not, no great loss. Only a small handful of their articles are actually better than the basic internet noise floor, and those articles cost nothing to write and can exist without The Onion.

In short, nothing of value will be lost if all of those outlets disappear. All the same content can exist without them. Especially slashdot editors.

Comment So? Old news. (Score 5, Interesting) 53

Success in a test tube and/or monkeys doesn't mean much as far as hope for a drug viable for humans. After all, the trials for Tekmira's drug are on hold by the FDA due to safety concerns ( ).

Also, Tekmira is NOT the company that manufactured the drug used to treat Dr. Brantly and his coworker - that was Mapp Pharmaceutical's ZMapp

Comment Re:Informative winners list (Score 2, Interesting) 180

If there's one thing I've learned reading all kinds of award-winning books, is that more often than not, the award is a big warning that the book is shit, or pompous, or written specifically to woo often sophisticated, pedantic jury members into giving the award.

In short, I usually go for stuff that hasn't been awarded certain kinds of awards. The Hugo certainly seems overrated these days, and has been for many years.

Comment Re:heh (Score 1) 611

NoScript takes care of most of those who get around Adblock. If ads still show up then I'm happy to let them pass since my primary reason for using Adblock is protection from javascript exploits and excessive bandwidth consumption from all the cross site scripts they invoke + auto-playing videos.

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