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Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 476

What crash? There will be no crash, just a steady devolving and regression. Every civilization has it's rise, glory and decline and fall, and we're witnessing the fall. As in the Roman fall, it will take generations. But happen it will.

We'll become more and more like Greece, which now has a 77% unemployment rate for those between 20 and 24 years old.

Where is the "Pork Fat" there? I tell you where it's not... it's not out whoring so they can eat that day.

If it makes your miserable life any more tolerable, keep hoping and dream "the man" gets what's coming to him.

He probably won't. You, however, being much more closer to the edge, most likely will.

Comment We're doomed (Score 1) 10

As a country, we're doomed. "66% Believe Obama Administration 'Right' to Analyze and Collect Internet Data"

The American electorate is, by and large, comprised of jealous, vengeful, stupid, greedy, immoral jackasses... a fact that is endlessly exploited by demagogues such as Obama. The founders of our country never wanted a "democracy" but instead a republic, and this is the reason.

Comment Re:The House Science Committee (Score 0) 237

"They" may ignore them. Neutral observers, though, notice that you have done nothing but make groundless, usually emotion-driven accusations with absolutely no facts to back them up, and when called out on them you go off to pout, or resort to call people something "contards" or something equally as juvenile.

Comment Re:There you have it (Score 1) 330

Now that the administration actually has scandals worth reporting on, it's like the boy crying wolf over at Fox. What are they going to do, use 45-pt headlines instead of 38-pt they were using for Solyndra?

They don't have to. I did not read about this on Fox news, and I doubt you did either. Other news agencies have taken the story and run with it.

Comment Re:Sure. OK... (Score 1) 278

If it's news, and nerds find it interesting and read it, does it not therefore qualify as news for nerds? Maybe whoever put it up understood what nerds like to read about.

Personally, I love NYC and am fascinated by Bloomberg. This is the only thing on Slashdot I have read today.

Should I turn in my nerd card because I wanted to read about NYC and not Linux this morning?

Comment Re:Clueless Pollster---Clueless Responders (Score 1) 578

You completely ignore the fact that these guns are undetectable using magnetometers and this creation of guns will, in the near future, be easily accomplished by pretty much everyone. I'm not sure why... it is a key factor in the debate.

> No criminal would waste his time.

Except... oh let me think... oh right. SOMEONE WANTING TO HIJACK AN AIRPLANE.

Comment Of course (Score 1) 578

The average person is a dullard.

If it were up to the average person in the 1700's, we'd still be British subjects. The average person was fine with British rule, and it was a bunch of "extremists" who wanted to revolt.

There is a reason the founders of this country did not want a "democracy" but rather a "republic". That reason is, the electorate is, by and large, composed of fucktards.

Comment Re:Can they? (Score 5, Informative) 381

Youtube can say whatever they want. Whether it is enforceable is another matter.

Saving a YouTube video for later playback on your own machine (i.e. not distributing) is simply "time shifting"... time shifting has been tried time and time again in the courts and it is settled law. What legally comes to your device can be saved and played back at a later date (aka "taping" and now "downloading") and Google can TOS till the cows come home but no TOS ever written and tested in court has ever abridged the right of anyone at any time to time shift.

In other words, download all you want. Rip it to DVDs/CDs. Play it back a million times. Put it on all your devices. There's not a goddamned thing Google, or anyone, can do to stop you... they can add stuff to their TOS from now until doomsday but it does not matter in the least.

Re-distribution is another matter of course.

Comment Re:Then stop breaking the terms of service. (Score 3, Interesting) 381

Exactly. This is settled case law, beginning with the VCR. What comes to your device can be "time-shifted", meaning you are free to save ANYTHING which legally comes to your device, and play it back later. What used to be called "taping" is now, these days, known as "downloading" and the law is crystal clear about the legality of these actions.

Comment Re:He's retired (Score 0, Flamebait) 233

" Yet he still heads NASA"

Nope, he's a retired army man

He is the current Administrator of NASA.

Fox News would be proud of you.

You are a fucking retard. Whenever you, and the likes of you, encounter someone who dislikes Obama, it's the old "product of Faux News" slam. It's ridiculous by now... I'm sure it makes you feel better to spout such trite idiotic lines, but any thinking individual can see that you are simply an unthinking fucking retard.

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