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Submission + - Moderators role to determine between Interesting, ( 1

lsatenstein writes: A hair they say, divides the false from the truth what then is the difference between...
Insightful, interesting and informative,
Many postings I read make me have none to all of the above three attributes. I often have difficulty in deciding between interesting and informative. For example, some postings bring me information that gives me a background into the poster's opinion or view. I then ask myself "Is it insightful or informative"?

If the topic is "new", "never discussed before", a "first" presentation, I would deem that to be informative. If the topic is "old", but the writer presented some side (consequential) benefits of that topic, would it be "insightful" or "informative."?

What do I do when the topic is all three of the above?

This is my dilemma. Guidance is requested.

Submission + - Community-sourced news site,, goes live 18

umafuckit writes: is the new way of taking the pulse of the nerd community. Soylentnews is a grassroots-based platform with the content feeds are powered by readers like you. The objective is to highlight news stories of general importance to everyone, but especially nerds. News about technology, art, science and politics: it's all there. Soylentnews is the new kid on the block and will adapt quickly to satisfy our community's needs and and push boundaries like never before. This is a real community site: no changes in format without a general consensus from the community. Stop by and see what you think of the freshly-launched site.

Comment Re:Why not rate limit? (Score 1) 92

i see you've also had to deal with this plague. stupid juniper switches are unable to work as ntp clients only. as soon as you configure ntp settings, they reply to client requests. a few weeks ago, i learned this the hard way when all my switches suddenly became overloaded and all my bfd sessions started flapping.

Comment Re:It doesn't matter. (Score 2) 180

and yet you are one of those people. i often see comments about swimming on full stomach here (i'd say from people who either don't swim or eat). if you want to know why it's stupid, eat and drink until you're full, go to bed, lie down on your belly and wait for a burp to come. if you don't barf, you're not human. to better simulate swimming, you should have somebody shake you at the same time.

BTW, I swim for an hour 4 times a week and have seen this full stomach swimming way too often. when you see a person suddenly stop and stand up in the middle of a pool, they're either burping (if they're quick) or swallowing sick.

Comment wtf is wrong with people? (Score 2) 379

as a debian user i am puzzled by why this monstrosity was chosen instead of something that adheres to the 'do one thing and do it well' philosophy. why are we slowly turning gnu/linux into windows?

Zawinski's law: Every program attempts to expand until it can read mail. Those programs which cannot so expand are replaced by ones which can.

i propose we include an email client functionality now and be done with this horrible one-thing-breaks-all thing.

Comment quality (Score 1) 526

i bought a dell machine for quality. i went for the expensive 'developer edition' 13 inch xps with ubuntu preinstalled and regretted it the day after it arrived. buzzing capacitors, sound card that cracks at 1000dB when it suspends or resumes (that's a few seconds after every single sound), really flimsy power connector that has no chance of lasting more than a few months and a touch screen that sometimes just doesn't work after a suspend.

Submission + - New Cryptographic Timestamping Service Leveraging Bitcoin (

An anonymous reader writes: Crypto Stamp places a timestamp on your files such that you can prove the time the file existed to anyone else without relying on Crypto Stamp as a trusted third-party. Obvious uses are proving patent designs or homework completion before a certain date. But, people could find many other uses for their personal or business life. A mobile app allows you to keep secure timestamps of all photos you take, and a developer API allows others to develop services which use Crypto Stamp.

Submission + - Google Removes CSS Regions From Blink - An Optimization Too Far (

mikejuk writes: Google and Opera split from WebKit to create Blink, their own HTML rendering engine, and everyone was worried about the effect on standards. Now we have the first big example of a split in the form of CSS Regions support. Essentially Regions are used to provide the web equivalent of text flow, a concept very familiar to anyone who has used a DTP (DeskTop Publishing) program. The basic idea is that you define containers for a text stream which is then flowed from one container to another to provide a complex multicolumn layout. The W3C standard for Regions has mostly been created by Adobe — long time DTP company. Now the Blink team propose to remove Regions support saving 10,000 lines of code in 350,000 in the name of efficiency.
If Google does remove the Regions code, which looks highly likely, this would leave Safari and IE 10/11 as the only two major browsers to support Regions. Both Apple and Microsoft have an interest in ensuring that their hardware can be used to create high quality magazine style layouts — Google and Opera aren't so concerned. I thought standards were there to implement not argue with.

Submission + - Stop Trying To "Innovate" Keyboards, You're Just Making Them Worse (

FuzzNugget writes: Ars Technica brings the hammer down on the increasing absurdities plaguing laptop keyboards, from the frustrating to the downright asinine "adaptive keyboard" of the new Lenovo X1 Carbon. When will laptop manufacturers finally perform a much needed cranialrectalectomy instead of needlessly reinventing the wheel with every new generation?

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