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Comment Re:When I first read this (Score 1) 230

I have a question about that. I noticed that MS did an update, and had already updated my AMD drivers to Omega a few days ago. I haven't noticed any problems.

Is this the kind of problem patch that MS will fix in a subsequent patch or do I have to go uninstall the latest patch even though I haven't experienced any problems yet?

Comment Re: Diversity is good, especially in SciFi (Score 1) 368

Science fiction isn't fiction that has elements that aren't science but might appeal to geeks who like science....Science fiction is science that is fictional. Very different animal and naturally restrictive.

You are using a defintion of a term, which is at odds with the defintions of that term used by almost every other educated native speaker of English. This will probably make it hard for you to communicate. You might want to look to that.

Comment Re:"Could", (Score 1) 401

heavy crude pulling here in Canada from the oil sands is profitable down to $20/bbl

Is that why companies pulling heavy crude in Canada lost up to half of their capitalization in the past few weeks when their stock prices shot into the crapper following oil's nose dive?

Talk to all the worried people up near Bakken or Marcellus. You don't want to be someone who bought any of those companies in early October.

Comment Re: Better story at Tech-dirt (Score 1) 176

You want responsive elected officials, then eliminate private election financing and fund it all publically. Forbid any revolving doors between govt and business. Create a true civil service - you choose one track, no switching. Shut down corporate voting systems and go paper and pencil.
Thirty years too damned late now. We've lost.

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