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Comment Re:Some people are jerks (Score 1, Insightful) 362

#1, as the Roman Catholic Church proved royally, is a complete and utter error forever. You do NOT want your organization's management deciding if a victim can call the police.

#2, every illegal act that is a felony, should result in the loss of a job. Once again, it's law enforcement and the courts that should make that decision, not the good ole boy network in your management.

#3. The standard should be to call the police, each and every time. It is the only way to end rape.

Comment Yet another reason to insist on software freedom (Score 2) 277

Early Tuesday, gamers woke up to find out that they couldn't log in to any Sony Online Entertainment games--no Everquest, no Planetside 2, none of them.

Could the users have used another server to connect with each other? Or is this a case of DRM ("Digital Restrictions Management", when properly viewed from the perspective of its effect on the users) and, more generally, nonfree software restricting users from running the games with other people?

Comment Re:user error (Score 1) 710

The weird thing is, most cutting of energy use is done through better technology. The laptops I replaced our desktop machines have half to a third the wattage on the power supplies, and work just as well. My investment in LED light bulbs is just the start- I want to install a low voltage USB-compatible power grid in my house, to run all sorts of things at fractions of an amp, or at least under 2.5 amps (my new cell phone and tablets use higher amperage chargers). I've replaced my refrigerator with a newer model that uses half the electricity and added five more cubic feet. And yes, I drive a prius.

Funny thing is, I'm not particularily an environmentalist. Less dirty energy costs less money.

Comment Re:Why is there a debate at all? (Score 1) 278

Why is there a debate at all?

Because people want it. Suppose (just hypothetically) you were getting a subsidy from the public, and that the subsidy served no useful purpose. Then suppose someone said, "Hey, this is getting expensive and unless we change the rules for how we compute your subsidy, it's going to get more expensive in the future."

You would call for debate. Why wouldn't you? What've you got to lose?

Futhermore, if you lost that debate, and then people started saying, "Let's change the rules for your subsidy, either eliminating or reducing it," you would call for debate, because since your subsidy serves no useful purpose, the rational course of action is going to be to eliminate your subsidy.

I think we're pretty much now at the stage, where we should start seeing some some great arguments for how pollution reduces crime (and pollution solves some other social problems as well), and that if you want to be tough on crime (and address other social ills), then we need to increase pollution. (That'll be the liberal argument, put forth by Republicans.)

This will be countered by the argument that increasing pollution just makes industries become dependent upon pollution, cleaning up the pollution is needlessly expensive, and industries that pollute could be just as productive without the pollution. (That's the conservative argument, put forth by Democrats.)

Comment Re:Heh (Score 2) 3

"Are you pointing to problems in general, or some theologies in particular?"

More in general, in that all theology that ends up personal, ends up a finite brain contemplating an infinite being.

"As a sola scriptura type, I'd like to point to some specific English language scripture as a possible solution, but the same problem heads its ugly rear there, too. Guess we'll have to be humble and rely on faith, no? :-)"

My response to that is John 21:24-25 :-). But more seriously, yep, same problem rears it's ugly head there, perhaps more so. The book is a reflection of God's work with his people a long time ago, it isn't God himself.

Comment Re:105 megabits per second (Score 1) 401

That's why I think internet speed should be measured in Gigabytes per month. Seriously. About once per week I get snailspam from CenturyLink, wanting me to upgrade from 7 bullshit units to 20 bullshit units. Except each "plan" is the same number of Gigabytes per month. So how it is an "upgrade?" Oh, if I give you more money, I'll be able to hit my cap faster? That's silly.

Now if you're telling me my cap will change from 200GB to 571GB, that is an upgrade I might be willing to pay for. Because then you'd be talking actually-relevant numbers.

User Journal

Journal Journal: And now for something completely different 3

The Catholic Church considers the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics to fit with our theology. But it also occurs to me that it fits with the problems I've run into converting analog to digital measurement. And THAT points to the theological idea that many people worship not the Creator of the Universe, but an image of God that is a model of the actual God.

Comment Re:OK (Score 1) 79

What I don't want to see are solutions that are dependent on outside resources

This is totally understandable but TFA is about a tech, not a product. Relax. I think the whole point of this is that people will be able to build stuff out of this. i.e. you'll google "arduino thread" and instead of just seeing programmers talk about concurrency, you'll also see some networking stuff in your search re--

Fuck. Guys, why did you have to call it "Thread?" WTF were you thinking? I declare: strike one.

Comment Re: Maybe, maybe not. (Score 1) 749

You cannot serve warrents to search property in other countries.

You can if it's controlled by someone in your country. When point a gun at someone's face who is in the same room as you, all kinds of things are possible.

If they say no or "hard drive crashed" then you do something, and then ask "who had been the second largest stockholder? You're now the largest (after us)."

Comment Re:a thought (Score 1) 11

I do want the string built in Sequence Order.

Here's the weird thing- query #2 has been working for 4 months. Not sure what changed, but the explanation that the rows are being fetched slow makes sense (they're always messing with my server settings!).

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