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Comment Re:Comcast is the monopoly in a large part of USA (Score 1) 108

If Comcast blocked Netflix, the first thing to happen would be consumer outrage. The second would be that Netflix would take a noticeable hit, but continue to survive from the rest of their subscribers from other ISPs/countries. I highly doubt Comcast users make up the same presentage of Netflix subscribers as Google users make up Metafilter visitors.

Comment Re:Didn't deserve to die... (Score 1) 450

In a situation where a Alice shot Bob but says that Bob threatened Alice first (and thus it was self defence), there would actually be 2 questions. Question A is "Is Alice guilty of murder" and question B is "Is Bob guilty of assault (the legal term for a threat against your life)". If there is not enough evidence in either direction, the court CAN actually declare them both "not guilty". This is because North American courts cannot actually declare someone "innocent" (we believe you didn't commit the crime), only "guilty" (We believe you committed the crime) and "not guilty" (We don't believe you committed the crime). There is a significant difference between believing (being convinced) someone didn't do something and not believing (not being convinced) they did it.

Comment Re:Just Works (Score 2) 238

Apple offers a UC system that is easier to install and configure than other UC systems. That's what "just works" means. It doesn't mean that if you turn a UC system on, don't bother to turn it off that it will magically know you don't want it anymore which is what the Android people suppose it should do. This would be like an article being critical of gmail for not disabling email when you sell your computer.

How is that the same? Gmail isn't affecting the working status of your other email accounts. iMessage likes to "take over" your text messages. If Apple wants to fuck with the SMS system offered by another company (your service provider), they need to make DAMN sure they don't break it in the process.

Comment Re:Seriously. (Score 1) 222

My shoes were by far the first knot I ever learned to tie. I then became very good at tying knots in scouts (I can tie a bowline around my waist with 1 hand). It wasn't until I watched the video that I actually bothered to look at the knot I'd been tying everyday from muscle memory and realized it was a granny knot. The instant I actually looked at the knot on my shoe I knew it was wrong, I just never looked at the damn thing for 20+ years!

Comment Re:What? (Score 2) 209

The summary was a little confusing. When they said "wound the clock back", I thought they were talking about re-implementing the same mutations and expecting a different result, not animals conforming to similar situations via different mutations.

Comment Re:What? (Score 2) 209

Ok, I think I get it now. So they're not saying we probably wouldn't end up with animals that look like they do today, but that we would likely end up with the same looking animals with different DNA than we have now. That actually makes a lot more sense.

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