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Comment Re:The real benefit to this system (Score 1) 68

You might be surprised how much more you enjoy the game if you learn more about the subtitles of it.

Meanwhile, there's something to be said for the ability of kids on a sandlot to play a fully regulation game, or at least feel that they did.

Finally, don't underestimate how much some fans enjoy booing the ump.

Comment Re:How does the _market_ benefit (Score 2) 66

The patent lawyers mad that impossible a long time ago. Given something you want to do, it is nearly impossible to search for a patent that does it in less time than it takes to implement it from scratch. Beyond that, if you actually do search patents you open yourself up to treble damages to every idiot with an obvious patent out there wanting to claim the rights to something that took you all of 30 seconds to think of and another 5 minutes to write the code. The current advice is to NEVER read patents.

Beyond that, even if you find a patent that does exactly what you want and saves you months of development, nothing at all prevents the patent holder from demanding more than you expect your project to bring in for the first 5 years. And then, even if you implement something else you will have painted a big target on your back that practically guarantees that you will be eaten alive by court costs before you can even make a dime on your own work.

So no. Until the USPTO and other offices rais the bar for patents a LOT, AND court costs are cut by a factor of a thousand or so, they will remain nothing but an impediment to progress.

Comment Re:The real benefit to this system (Score 4, Insightful) 68

The thing is, I'm not so sure that I, as a fan, want to see the human element removed. Expanding the strike zone is a skill and a part of the sport. It's also a skill when the batsman shrinks or crowds the strike zone. The ability to adjust to a slightly different strike zone every night is also part of it.

Of course, none of this gets the ump out from behind the plate. There's still the swinging strike to consider. I don't know of any machine that can make that call automatically. For that matter, there isn't even an unambiguous rule for what counts as a swing, so there would have to be a rule change to even allow a machine to make the call unofficially. Even if that is taken over, there's still the foul tip and hit by pitch that the umpire will need to call. Not to mention plays at the plate.

Comment Re: Seriously! (Score 1) 147

Part of the issue is that the software that comes standard with Linux dwarfs what comes with Windows. For example, Linux distros typically come with and office suite (or 2), multiple mail servers and clients, a full development suite and many many more things that you must buy separately for Windows.

Of course, you can easily do a minimal (base) install of Linux that includes no GUI at all.

So, at best it's a matter of picking and choosing a kinda sorta apples to apples installation of Windows and Linux. Where there's picking and choosing, there's cherry picking...

Submission + - Facebook told to allow the use of fake names (

Mark Wilson writes: Facebook comes in for a lot of criticism, but one things that managed to rub a lot of people up the wrong way is its real names policy. For some time the social network has required its users to reveal their real name rather than allowing for the adoption of pseudonyms. This has upset many, including musicians and the drag community.

Now a German watchdog has told Facebook that its ban on fake names is not permitted. The Hamburg Data Protection Authority said that the social network could not force users to replace pseudonyms with real names, nor could it ask to see official identification.

The watchdog's order follows a complaint from a German woman who had her Facebook account closed because she used a fake name. She had opted to use a pseudonym to avoided unwanted contact from business associates, but Facebook demanded to see ID and changed her username accordingly. Hamburg Data Protection Authority said this and similar cases were privacy violations.

Submission + - Poor Pilot Training Blamed for Virgin Galactic Crash ( 1

astroengine writes: SpaceShipTwo co-pilot Michael Alsbury was not properly trained to realize the consequences of unlocking the vehicle’s hinged tail section too soon, a mistake that led to his death and the destruction of the ship during a test flight in California last year. Responsibility for the accident falls to SpaceShipTwo manufacturer Scaled Composites, a Mojave, Calif., company owned by Northrop Grumman Corp, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) determined at a webcast hearing on Tuesday. Poor oversight by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), which oversees commercial spaceflights in the United States, was also a factor in the accident, the NTSB said.

Submission + - Slashdot for Sale (again) 4

Defenestrar writes: DHI Group (formerly known as Dice Holdings) will auction off Slashdot and Sourceforge. The stated reason for the sale is that DHI has not successfully leveraged the Slashdot user base.

The future is uncertain, but at least it doesn't have Beta

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