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Comment Re:Why did you ever think privacy matters to most? (Score 1) 113

"If you believe in privacy, you can't make the vast majority of people care about it."

What a bullshit claim. You seem to be claiming, ala Zuckerberg, that people posting "personal" details on Facebook that you wouldn't post is an indication that they don't value their privacy. I guess it never occurred to you that, no matter how "personal" the nature of the typical Facebook account, those same people have plenty going on that they don't want made public. Claiming that "kids today don't value their privacy" is so much bullshit it isn't even funny.

Comment Re:Either of the poles woulc cause this effect (Score 1) 496

"But since there's no "earth" at the north pole, the correct answer is obviously the south pole."

That isn't correct at all. First of all, you can't walk south from the South Pole, but that doesn't even matter because:

He says the surface of the Earth. He doesn't say what that surface is made of (i.e. Ice works), or even in what millennium you are walking in (see also Plate tectonics )

Comment Re: North Pole (Score 1) 496

It's certainly some point near the South Pole, since the North Pole hasn't got any earth.

That would seem to be a problem, but is it as insurmountable as the fact that the South Pole doesn't have a South? (and anywhere near it would suggest many possible answers, none of which could be determined during an interview.) FTA:

You're standing on the surface of the Earth

He doesn't say what that surface is composed of, and I'm willing to bet that it is not that kind of trick question, since that would be a stupid way to asses someone's intellectual prowess to say the least.

Comment Re:this sounds familiar (Score 1) 59

I was a VAX/VMS Systems manager in the early 1990s, and no, that is not true. For christ sake there was no www and Ethernet was based on Coaxial Cable, with UTP just coming to market, and nobody was transferring complete OS images from machine to machine and running and stopping them on the fly. Period.

Comment Re:Fuck you dice (Score 1) 443

So we are in agreement then that there is no insult to Visual Studio. Claiming there is is like claiming that saying "You might not like to drive your Porsche in beach sand, as it was not designed for that" is an insult to Porsche. What kind of idiot thinks that is a put down of VS?

Comment Re:There can be only one. (Score 1) 443

I have bad news for you bud. Unless 80% of the programmers you know are incompetent, you and your brethren are classic examples of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

"Really? You must not do much real-world programming then. "

If anyone had any doubt they need only look at that statement. No competent programmer is so lacking in logical facility that they would draw that conclusion. Period.

"Basically, your assumption smells like the shit hole you crapped it out of."

That smell is your breath. Later, moron.

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