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Comment Re:Nuclear disaster and... (Score 3, Interesting) 181

Indeed several people survived the Indian Ocean tsunami while in a small fishermen boat just a few miles off shore from areas that were completely devastated. They described a minor brow passing under them, without even realizing that it was a major tsunami.

Same holds for the massive Sanriku Tsunami in 1896: "Fishermen twenty miles out to sea didn't notice the wave pass under their boats because it only had a height at the time of about fifteen inches,"

Comment Re:no matter how high (Score 1) 177

This. I'm one of those people who naturally works in "duck mode". All cool on the surface, a shit storm under water. Usually only around a year or two after I join a team does higher management realizes how much I got done, and more importantly how much I managed to get my team to do, by coaching, inspiring and cajoling.

I've never worked in a stack rank place, but if I ever did, I don't think I would last long enough to prove my worth.

Comment Re:Bout time (Score 3, Informative) 282

I wonder why you forgot to mention that solar is on a Moore's Law-like curve, and hence already cheaper today than some sources of energy in use today and expected to be cheaper than most sources of energy within a decade.

Comment Wind power as well (Score 2) 207

Around here we saw a similar astroturf campaign agains wind power. Call in radio shows were full of irate "farmers" complaining against wind mills. I spent a week in the region talking to actual farmers and they were all in favor of wind mills. They average farmer here earns somewhere between $30K-100K of rental income from the windmill companies and they couldn't be more thrilled about it.

Comment Re:Its a shame. (Score 1) 207

Usage patterns like those you describe hold for milder climates like the New England and Northern Europe. For sunnier climes the peak occurs in the middle of the day when the temperature goes up and ACs work overtime. As well, one could program the residential ACs to come on around noon and lower tto 50-60F by 4pm.

By the time people come home it would be back up to around 70F with no further demands at night since temperature drops rapidly past 5pm in Winter. In the summer this is not a problem since sunset is later which allows home ACs to run for an extra hour or two on solar.

Comment Software "previews" are way longer than a movie... (Score 4, Insightful) 169

Part of the problem is that a critic can sit down for two hours watch a movie and write a meaningful review. This is not possible when it comes to software.

Let me use a real life example: I was an early proponent of Java since my first few interactions with it in 1994 were positive. Only when I was is deep in the bowels of the beast did I start to see the problems: flawed parameter passing model, the "everything has to be an object" religion (which ironically is violated by built in data types), the "you must write a preamble bigger than COBOL's to have a well designed piece of code", the horrible graphics library that if first shipped with, etc.

After that I realized that maybe moving to Java is not such a good idea after all. I think the popularity of C#/Haskell/Scala/C++11/Python are a result of this realization.

Comment Re:free power (Score 1) 93

Can we do away with the "correlation vs causation" meme every time someone quotes a study? This might be news to you but 99% of scientists already know this and control for it. But more importantly, in matters like this a correlation is enough to stop building until a proper explanation path is developed.

Comment Re:Why should not the loser always pay? (Score 1) 162

I'd argue, the loser should be on the hook for the winner's expenses by default.

There is a middle ground which comes from the Scottish system. The judge rules at the same time whether the case was reasonable, even if not proven. So the verdicts available are not guilty, not proven, and guilty.

We could then make that, by default, "not guilty" for the other side means you have to pay their expenses and not proven means each pays their own way.

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