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Journal Journal: Glonoinha's Rule #61

The Laws of Slashdot #11 - first sighting of Glonoinha's Rule #61:

People are more likely to cooperate with you if you ask nicely and have a gun, than if you ask rudely.

Journal Journal: Gilb's Law

The Laws of Slashdot #10 - first sighting of Gilb's Law:

Anything you need to quanitfy can be measured in some way that is superior to not measuring it at all.

Journal Journal: Bruce's Law

The Laws of Slashdot #9 - first sighting of Bruce's Law:

All unaccountable organizations are corrupt.

Journal Journal: LLam's LLaw

The Laws of Slashdot #7 - first sighting of LLam's LLaw:

If x is the amount of bullshit someone has to wade through to try something new and y represents the likelihood that they will actually do so, then the value of x is inversely proportional to the value of y.

Journal Journal: Schernau's 2nd Law 2

The Laws of Slashdot #6 - first sighting of Schernau's 2nd Law:

Anyone who signs a slashdot post with a real name to provide credibility automatically loses it.

(I've searched, but so far have been unable to locate the elusive "Schernau's 1st Law". Any information about its current whereabouts would be appreciated.)

Journal Journal: NialScorva's Law

The Laws of Slashdot #5 - first sighting of NialScorva's Law, the proposed equivilent of Godwin's Law for legal issues in the tech industry:

Given enough time, all legal battles in the tech industry will invoke the DMCA. This generally means that all constructive arguments have ended.

Journal Journal: Thrillbert's Law 2

The Laws of Slashdot #4 - first sighting of Thrillbert's Law:

New laws to govern electronics and transistors will become obsolete every few years and will be replaced by new and improved laws which again will become obsolete as we as humans become smarter and find newer and better ways of creating things.

Journal Journal: Greppling's Law

Once is funny; twice is neat; three times is tradition... let me know of any other /. laws you might come across.

The Laws of Slashdot #3 - first sighting of Greppling's Law:

Every time chess programs come up on slashdot, someone has to make a post referring to Go.

Journal Journal: Bungi's Mac Theory #19

The Laws of Slashdot #2 - first sighting of Bungi's Mac Theory #19:

When discussing GUI innovation, the probability that someone will say "Apple already did that" approaches infinity faster than you can say "Xerox".

Journal Journal: Slinger's Law

The Laws of Slashdot #1 - first sighting of Slinger's Law:

As a Slashdot thread on a programming language progresses, the probability of someone claiming that "Lisp already does that" approaches unity.

This one was just so dead-on true, I felt I had to document it's first appearance.

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If the aborigine drafted an IQ test, all of Western civilization would presumably flunk it. -- Stanley Garn
