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Comment Re:Theft of services (Score 2) 48

It is the government, that is why! Now shut up and provide the agents the necessary resources to violate your rights.

The biggest problem I see in perusing such charges is finding out who put it there. After that you would need to find a court that will rule in your favor and not be swayed by we need to stop those communist fascist terrorist kiddy diddlers arguments.

Comment Re:Anti-Competitive (Score 1) 69

I could see how preferential treatment between the 2 services (search and domain name reregistration) could be abused, but in the past Google hasn't seemed to give preferential treatment so I am not too worried. Also by being a domain registrar they may actually be looking to improve their ranking system to provide better results which may or may not be allowable (I admit it I am not versed in monopoly law any beyond the average slashdotter).

Comment Re:How would this stop the NSA? (Score 2) 63

My thought as to why the EFF thinks this has implications for the NSA's actions is that this ruling strengthens the 4th amendment protections of people in the US. If a court is willing to state that you can't through some trickery turn a specific warrant into a general one then maybe having the NSA suck up all private correspondence between American residents might actually constitute an illegal search and seizure.

I actually find it somewhat sad that this sort of ruling is even needed but at least it set the precedent with a much more acceptable crime than some terrorism or kiddy porn charges. It become much less acceptable to do the ends justify the means argument for tax evasion. Now lets just hope this stands upon final appeal or is denied a hearing by the supreme court since the government will file an appeal.

Comment Re:2 trillion tons (Score 1) 139

I figured that there were but I have no idea how much hence the question. Even with the number you provided it only makes things worse since the ratio of non to oil inputs for plastic would now be above 14:1 instead of my guessed 6:1 which seems even more doubtful. Also a billion tons of fairly dense rock makes a really fucking big hole in the ground and plastic is much less dense than iron ore plus in land fills there would be lots of other stuff as well.

Comment 2 trillion tons (Score 3, Interesting) 139

The statement that there is 2 trillion tons of plastic in land fills got me wondering how much oil actually goes into producing something. From what I can gather a barrel of oil weighs about 300 pounds so if there aren't any other external inputs into making plastics that would mean that about 13 trillion barrels of oil have been turned into plastic. This doesn't seem the least bit right given that under 2 trillion barrels of oil have been extracted and not all of that went into making plastic. So how much oil actually goes into making plastic and how much is other stuff is use?

This leads me to my next question which is how much of the weight of the plastic is turned into oil? If it is over 1/6 of it then we have the equivalent of more than all presently extracted oil in our land fills already.

Comment Re:Peer reviewed evidence wins (Score 1) 649

Well considering that there are substantial differences between the holy books of the 3 largest religions it would appear that they should be discounted. Or are you trying to imply that the Bible , Koran, and the Vedas are all basically the same because that seems rather far fetched. Even amongst Abrahamic religions there are significant differences in the stories that are related.

Comment Re:Çreationism and Northern Ireland (Score 1) 649

It has always seemed to me that Catholics weren't fed the BS to the degree that I was growing up in a fundamentalist Baptist church. For example I was taught (more like drilled into me) that:
The earth is ~6000 years old
Everything was created in 6 24 hour days
The bible has all the answers (science is false you don't need that learning stuff)
Black people are inherently evil as they carry the mark of Cain
Women should be subservient to their husband who is the master
Sex is only for reproduction and is otherwise sinful
Homosexuality is something that needs to be removed from society
You are going to hell
Other flavors of Christianity are false and they are all going to hell

They were only slightly less crazy than Westburow Baptist church as in they kept their crazy within the walls of the church. By comparison I always like going to church with my grandparents on my father's side since they were Presbyterian and there Jesus seemed like a pretty cool guy. I figure now that if there really is the christian god I should be automatically let into heaven having to endure that awful upbringing and yet didn't turn into one of those raging assholes, basically leniency for time served.

Comment Re:Slippery slope (Score 1) 431

Sounds like my wife's VW was when they were still figuring out how to make a VW in Mexico that didn't suck then. She got hers in 1999 new (2000 model year) and it has always been a bit of a basket case. Some of this I blame on my wife who doesn't take car of her stuff (she owned the car for 4 years before we were married) but some of it is just the car being a basket case. Random electrical failures, water pump ~60,000, alternator replacement at ~80,000, interior illumination, radio drops out, ac pump replacement at ~90,000, excessive oil consumption (about 3 quarts between changes but this seems to be cause by my wife)

Comment Re:Who buys volvos? (Score 1) 431

Volvos have gotten better looking recently. I don't think I would ever expect radical styling out of Scandinavia given that using salt+pepper seems to be living dangerously, but than again they were a hell of a reliable vehicle. One of my mom's friends had one up until a few years ago and no repair shop would touch it since it was so rusted out, but then it was a '72 with 350,000+ miles on it. This was the typical ugly box on tires Volvo wagon, but that diesel engine just didn't want to die even the the salted Minnesota roads did the rest of the vehicle in.

Comment Re:And another on the ban pile (Score 1) 289

That was kind of my impression as well. The Samsungs were great and the Intel ones being a very good reliable choice as well but not as good as Samsung. I went with the Intel ones since they were substantially cheaper (about 30%) when I bought than the comparable Samsung ones.

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