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Comment Re:XBMC Finally? (Score 1) 140

I found that it occupies a spot that wasn't well served. You correctly identified it as packing too much for small electronics projects where things like Arduinos sit but not being powerful enough to be a full flegged desktop/laptop. For embedded thing where and Arduino is too underpowered and a large desktop or laptop is way too much(bulk, power, weight) it fits nicely. This was the space that had been occupied by the Beagle Board and Beagle Bone but those were substantially more expensive when the RPi first came out. It really opened up this space and brought in some competition which anyone would welcome. The mere fact that almost every new board that is coming out is priced reasonably close to the RPi and is offering more should indicate that this was an under served market. I personally have mine setup as a poor mans RTK solution where each RPi has a nice timing GPS+good active antenna attached with one as a roving unit and the other stationary all running RTKlib makes things easy. The fact that I can continuously power the one in the stationary role off of an old car battery for days and use the roving one for a couple 8 hour days on a few Li-ion cells is great.

Comment Re:Jumping to conclusions (Score 1) 415

I'm sure it would support some sort of WSUS like functionality. Now instead of calling home for updates it can call home for updates and to ensure you are paid up. All that is different is where it calls home to and what gets loaded on the server providing the updates. It seems entirely doable.

Comment Re: All for poisioning the well (Score 1) 285

Exactly. Someone's cat picture isn't worth anything to me and apart of a 3 second chuckle in now way makes my life better, but a good book (I have shelves full) is worth the price. Hell even take the electronic copy of the Complete National Geographic. I bought it a few years ago and have bought the updates that have the issues not initially included and I will probably keep buying the updates because they are convenient and really cool. Add in that my wife is a teacher and frequently makes use of it and it was a very worthwhile purchase. I would consider getting a paper subscription but it just seems so wasteful especially given how easy it is to use the electronic copy.

Comment Re:All for poisioning the well (Score 1) 285

So like regular OTA TV then?

I don't see a down side to poisoning the data-mining well especially with the metadata collection that goes on. I have managed to get facebook to believe I am a gay unmarried Jew living in Hiafa or at least that would best describe the ads it serves up to me. I find that after giving up on TV after the digital switch over where I then found myself in a dead area my desire that I need some new wonderful thing has gone away. There are things I do and spend money on (go go cardboard crack MTG) but those are things I actually enjoy doing or I am replacing some thing that I actually use that has worn out.

Comment Re:Illegal? (Score 2) 83

That only applies when the courts do something one of the major political parties dislikes that happens to favor the other major political party. In this case they both want it but don't want the very small blow back. This also provide talking points so that one side can blame the other for not acting thus the court did the right thing further legitimizing this court's existence.

Comment Re:Fear the Asian carp (Score 1) 118

As they are a junk fish and I want them gone I let everyone know, above lock and dam #2 in Hastings and the below the Ford lock and dam. I usually fish above lock and dam #2 as it is closer but have fished just below the Ford dam where Minnehaha creek enters as well. If you go at the right time you can almost net the damn things in Minnehaha creek as well as the European carp because the current is so strong.

Being an outdoorsman I want things to be around for my enjoyment and for others.

Comment Re:Of course... (Score 1) 699

Maybe $0.01/article. I get the daily paper and you know what it would cost $0.50 if I bought it at the gas station yet it appears on my door step for less that each morning since I have a subscription. I know there are more than 50 articles in the paper each day and while there are ads all over the place they don't make noise or blink. At the same time the publisher has to print the damn paper and pay someone to deliver it to my house. Given this $0.01/article should be a ceiling for the cost of an online article with no ads.

Comment Re:*Sigh* (Score 1) 171

See if you have a good local game shop that allows people to come in and play for free. The one near me has this where you can bring your own games or use some of the house games and play for free. There are always people in there on the weekends playing various games and most people are willing to teach or invite you to play the game they are.

Comment Re:It won't be long (Score 1) 325

but now there is a very high risk

If by very high you mean likely an order of magnitude less likely than getting struck by lightning then I will accept that. I would say that the likelihood of a commercial airliner being hijacked and crashed into a building is substantially lower now than it was before 9/11 because of simple precautions like locking the cockpit door, having a hardened cockpit door, and passengers who are likely to turn someone into a red smear on the nasty carpet if they attempt to breach the cockpit door.

Comment Re:Fear the Asian carp (Score 3, Interesting) 118

They already are classed as an invasive species so can likely be caught in any amount by anyone. They are a fairly fun fish to bring in and make good fertilizer for the garden so I am doing my part to try and control the problem. I probably catch 20-30 of them a year in the early spring and fall and hand them out to neighbors and family who are looking to improve the soil in their gardens. Add to it that they are pretty easy to catch, a yellow leadhead with a nigh crawler bounced off the bottom seems to work really well in pool 2 on the Mississippi, so it is a great way to introduce a kid to fishing as they can actually catch some big fish without much effort.

Comment Re:Lesson from the past (Score 1) 137

If it is sold as a kit car then it can be titled and sold in every state in the US. The issue here is that the rules vary dramatically from one state to another with some just requiring a simple bill of sale while others require all sorts of legal hoops. Minnesota is fairly simple having seen my father go through it with one of his vehicles that lacked a VIN (the VIN plate had long since fallen off or rusted away) so was treated as a home built (kit) car. They require bringing it into one of the bigger full service DMV offices and they perform a basic inspection checking that things like brakes and lights work and that it meets some sort of basic road worthiness standards and that you present a bill of sale for major components like the body, frame and engine. This was about 20 years ago so the rules may have changed since but it wasn't too difficult at the time.

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