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Apple Locks iPhone 6/6+ NFC To Apple Pay Only 336

Ronin Developer writes From the Cnet article: "At last week's Apple event, the company announced Apple Pay — a new mobile payments service that utilizes NFC technology in conjunction with its Touch ID fingerprint scanner for secure payments that can be made from the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus or Apple Watch. Apple also announced a number of retailers that would accept Apple Pay for mobile payments at launch. However, Cult of Mac reports that NFC will be locked to the Apple Pay platform, meaning the technology will not be available for other uses. An Apple spokesperson confirmed the lock down of the technology, saying developers would be restricted from utilizing its NFC chip functionality for at least a year. Apple declined to comment on whether NFC capability would remain off limits beyond that period." So, it would appear, for at least a year, that Apple doesn't want competing mobile payment options to be available on the newly released iPhone 6 and 6+. While it's understandable that they want to promote their payment scheme and achieve a critical mass for Apple Pay, it's a strategy that may very well backfire as other other mobile payment vendors gain strength on competing platforms.

Comment Re:Dial up can still access gmail (Score 1) 334

Thanks, I see what you mean. It is pretty much like typical cable/dsl modems look nowadays.

I don't recall encountering those although I would replicate the functionality by connecting the modem with a serial cable to a linux router. I pretty much always used a linux router from the start. Even nowadays, I always have the "ethernet" cable/dsl whatever modem in pass-trough mode to the Linux router through an RJ45 connector.

I remember setting rules on linux routers for the following use case you described, those were on coaxial ethernet :-)
" because once a computer thinks it has an always-on network connection it tends to try making remote connections for all sorts of things unless you lock it down. So the modem was always connected pretty much. This isn't practical when you don't have a dedicated phone line for it and even then many ISPs had systems set up to not allow you to keep connections on constantly like that"

Comment Re:Dial up can still access gmail (Score -1, Troll) 334

Haha, I have never been so nasty but I fooled around a little I have to admit.

In IT classes, we had like 20-30 work stations running SunOS with X. I would set my display to another student station,
DISPLAY=other_student_ip ; export DISPLAY
wait until the teacher comes to his station then launch netscape with a porn site target URL. I had good laughs back then. Student would usually try to close the netscape windows while the teacher would give him a suspicious look maybe thinking it was already open and minimized and that the student had just maximized the window by mistake. I could have got caught easily I assume if he left it running and instead investigated where that window was coming but I didn't risk much getting caught.

Also, X allowed you to get the keys typed on any station and steal login credentials then access other student accounts.

Some stupid student had pictures of himself naked with his gay friend in his University home folder! ;-)

Back then the laws weren't very clear about such activities as long as you didn't tamper the data, steal it for your own use, use it to blackmail somebody, try to get money or other advantages from it, etc. so I stayed on the safe side and only looked around although I was tempted to post the gay guys pictures somewhere public. Like today, I must have already been some kind of a white hat since I didn't and didn't mention it to anybody either.



How Flickr Is Courting the Next Generation of Photographers 97

First time accepted submitter Molly McHugh writes Flickr Vice President Bernardo Hernandez explains how the beloved photo platform is targeting a new generation that's addicted to smartphones. “10 or 15 years ago it was expensive and complicated to explore the world of photography,” Hernandez said. "Very few people could afford that—[it is] no surprise the best photographers 20 years ago were older people. We believe all of that is changing with the mobile [photography] revolution."

Comment For a Scottish Workers Republic!!!! (Score -1) 494

Cast a Critical Vote for Scottish Independence, and Fight for Socialist Revolution to Bring Down the Monarchy, NATO and the Rule of Capital
For a Scottish Workers Republic in a Socialist Federation of the British Isles


On September 18, voters in Scotland will go to the polls in a referendum on the question of independence from the “United Kingdom.” All three major parties in Britain’s Westminster parliament complacently figured they would win by warning of dire economic consequences. But the threats have backfired and support for secession has grown in recent weeks to the point where it could win, or come close. The bourgeois Scottish National Party is promising a rosy future in a Scandinavian-style welfare state, but the economic realities of the capitalist world market would soon undo that. Most of the opportunist left is tailing after the SNP, while some British left groups oppose Scottish independence out of Labour loyalism. For revolutionary Marxists, this is an opportunity to accelerate the breakup of decrepit British imperialism, and to get the national question off the agenda so the class confrontation can come to the fore. While warning against illusions in the prospects of a capitalist Scotland, the League for the Fourth International calls for a critical “yes” vote for independence as part of a fight for workers revolution throughout the British Isles and Europe.


3D-Printed Car Takes Its First Test Drive 132

An anonymous reader points out this advancement in 3D printing. This week, at the International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS) in Chicago, Arizona-based automobile manufacturer Local Motors stole the show. Over the six day span of the IMTS, the company managed to 3D print and assemble an entire automobile, called the "Strati," live in front of spectators. Although the Strati is not the first ever car to be 3D printed, the advancements made by Local Motors with help from Cincinnati Inc, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, have produced a vehicle in days rather than months.

KDevelop 4.7.0 Released 48

KDE Community (3396057) writes "KDevelop team is proud to announce the final release of KDevelop 4.7.0. This release is special, as it marks the end of the KDE4 era for us. As such, KDevelop 4.7.0 comes with a long-term stability guarantee. The CMake support was improved and extended to ensure that all idioms needed for KF5 development are available. The unit test support UI was polished and several bugs fixed. In the same direction, some noteworthy issues with the QtHelp integration were addressed. KDevelop's PHP language support now handles namespaces better and can understand traits aliases. Furthermore, some first fruits of the Google summer of code projects are included in this release. These changes pave the path toward better support for cross compile toolchains. Feature-wise, KDevelop now officially supports the Bazaar (bzr) version control system. On the performance front, it was possible to greatly reduce the memory footprint when loading large projects with several thousand files in KDevelop. Additionally, the startup should now be much faster."

Comment Machine intelligence (Score 1) 9

I had an idea that might not be so dangerous and pulled out my fone. âoeComputer,â I said, âoewhat's the best way to knock that bitch out?â
        The fone said âoeParse error, there are no female dogs on board and âknockâ(TM) is not in context. Please rephrase.â
        Who programs these God damned stupid things, anyway? Back when computers were new, science fiction movies had computers that could think. These stupid computers sure can't. God damn it, I was going to have to talk like I went to college... only I ain't went to college, damn it.

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