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Comment Re:Ob (Score 1) 528

"First year or two"?
You're doing it wrong. The trick is to put your brain in a position where the only possible escape is to learn the new language, and learn it fast.
I made it clear to my room-mates/colleagues/acquaintances that I didn't want to fall back to any other language. They were really nice and patient, and were already laughing while I tried to make silly jokes with my 50 words vocabulary. I had some big headaches during the first month, and was exhausted every day after trying to make sense of the new language.
After about 2 months, I could speak well enough to make myself understood by anyone. I had a great time, and my social life was also helped because locals found it cute that I went through all this trouble.

Comment Re:Can someone translate "1.4x faster?" (Score 1) 415

It translates to "it will look faster than Yosemite, but only after a fresh install. After you installed your beloved programs, it will be slower".
Fun fact : If you multiply all the supposedly "X times faster" since 1984 and take into account the faster CPUs, you'd probably have startup times of a few nanoseconds.

Comment Re:And so preventable (Score 1) 176

Adults are moral entities with agency, and can damn well decide on their own whether to wear a seatbelt or not.

It's not so easy : by not wearing a seatbelt, you make it easier for others (taxi driver and other drivers on the road) to accidentally kill you. It's a big burden that you could put on other "moral entities".

Comment Re:I guess that if a Mathematician... (Score 1) 176

And by the way, usually this argument tends to come up from people who want to claim economics isn't a "real science" or something. I won't get into that argument, but well, neither is "peace" or "literature."

Those people are right, and you're right about peace and literature.
Nash's contribution was really in mathematics, though, so that's fine by me.
BTW, the best proof that economics isn't a science, is that it isn't even included there :

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