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Comment Re:Yes 'drones' can take out aircraft (Score 1) 368

All commercially built helicopters are designed for large bird strikes, a Phantom impacting the rotor or tail rotor is unlikely to cause very much damage. You're imagining a full on direct impact with the main mass of the phantom, which would never happen, its just going to hit one or two of the arms the motors are attached to and that impact will send the rest of the phantom away from the rotor at significant speed and certainly leave the phantom in no flyable shape so its not going to happen again.

LiPo batteries that you're talking about, are far from dense, thats why they are used in aircraft, low mass == low weight == better flight performance

Comment Re:Are drones really THAT dangerous? (Score 1) 368


Its unlikely to cause very much damage to the tail rotor actually, a dent or something, maybe some vibration, but nothing thats going to down the aircraft. Tail rotors aren't made out of Balsa and a Phantom is pretty small.

And further more, 'major'' damage to the tail rotor isn't going to be something the pilot can deal with. The tail rotor either works well enough to fly and the pilot won't really notice, or it fails to the point where it doesn't counter act the torque of the main rotors, in which cause the pilot's skill level doesn't matter, the aircraft can not be 'flown' in any sense of the word. In order to not spin around in circles till he passes out, then dies, he's going to auto rotate the craft immediately, which means a very hard landing in an almost certainly unplanned place. While this is a maneuver that heli pilots are required to train for ... its also one that doesn't actually go well when you do it in a real situation. People tend to get hurt very badly or die in an auto rotation.

Comment Re:Are drones really THAT dangerous? (Score 1) 368

Do YOU want to be in a helicopter when a drone gets sucked into its intake.

You run on the second turbine until you can land. These aren't single engine craft.

The helicopter's engine likely stalls

Helicopters don't 'stall', thats fixed wing aircraft.

the helicopter then goes into autorotation if you are lucky

This isn't optional, its the way they work, autorotation happens without any intervention from the pilot at any point when the turbine is producing less power than the energy stored in the rotors. If this did not happen, powering down the turbine would cause the aircraft to spin out of control in circles due to the torque differences. This happens in normal operations, it is in fact required just to turn the damn thing off on the ground.

landing in the fire you are trying to put out.

You don't drop flame retardant materials in the middle of the fire, you drop them on the edges or small sections, making it trivial to 'not land in the fire', though your alternative landing sites are probably effectively dangerous due to terrain ... otherwise you'd use a fire truck.

What if the drone smashes into your windshield in limited visibility, knocking the pilot out cold or worse.

The wind shields of modern aircraft are designed for heavy high speed impacts, unless you fly into a predator drone, this is unlikely to be a problem. A helicopter simply doesn't fly fast enough (and can't due to the laws of physics) to make this a serious issue.

You are very wrong here. Look at the airplane that landed in the Hudson River that was taken out by a goose. Seriously, a goose, a lot of drones are of similar weight or larger, also a lot softer.

It was taken out by multiple, in multiple engines. It flew into a flock of them. Not one, not two, but more than 4 at a minimum judging by insturmentation.

If bird strikes are a hazard, how would a drone NOT be a hazard?

They are a hazard and should be removed from the picture in emergency situations in whatever way the first responders see fit.

The problem, which you are completely ignoring because 'omg think of the children' over reactions is what happens when the first responders take out a drone for bullshit reasons, like the cops who shoot down a drone recording them breaking the law and beating someone on the side of the road?

First responders are people, nothing more. Many of them will abuse any power they're granted. Not all, but many, and if you want to avoid having those professions attract people who abuse power, you must properly constraint that power. Otherwise, people react like you, with a whole bunch of reasons to 'do the right thing' ... but all the reasons as simply wrong due to ignorance such as your own.

Comment Re:Few people understand the economics (Score 1) 250

Sorry Bruce, I think you're entirely off the mark on this one.

The OpenSSL projects problem is its developers being unwilling to make the choices that need to be made for the good of the SSL project itself, not lack of money.

Lack of money certainly could have contributed, but considering what your arguing is that by allowing FEWER people to use it, it would have been handled better ... well that just doesn't stand up to me.

Couple with that the number of massive companies that use and depend on OpenSSL who did nothing for it but do contribute back to BSD licensed projects regularly ... and the number of companies that simply avoid OpenSSL (Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, eBay, PayPal, American Express, Bank of America and many other large financial institutions) because its a total mess when they could contribute to it ...

OpenSSL is an exhibit in how not to write security related code, not lack of funding. The lack of funding is a side effect of the silly SSLeay license crap thrown in and crap code. Just because it was the most popular doesn't mean it was the best, or even good.

Comment Re:It's a Good Thing (Score 1) 312

Because fuck those rednecks, that's why.

Ironic isn't it. That simple statement there is the biggest part of the problem.

Why can't people just accept that other people have different beliefs and stay away?

Its one thing when a racist fuck forces something on you, its an entirely THE SAME THING when you want to force yourself on some racist fuck.

And just for reference, it is not illegal to run your business in a racist manner, like 'whites only', its just REALLY difficult.

Comment Re:If race doesn't exist, how is this possible? (Score 1) 312

Why is one genetic expression the all important one

Because they are ignorant racists. Do you really have to even pretend to ask the question? Its not about something thats actually wrong with them, its about continuing some racists ignorance about people and historically they've only had skin color to cue on so they can't suddenly pretend skin color is irrelevant, if they did they might have to acknowledge the stupidity of the whole premise.

People hate things that are different. Skin color is something they can see from far away as different.

This isn't about actual differences in people (of which there are many between races in general! Both good and bad, in every 'race') its about the perceived difference in people and the stupidity that follows.

Comment Re:Carbon dating is a scam (Score 1) 108

Its certainly not as reliable as people tend to make it out/believe it to be.

This is just an example of how it can become inaccurate, and this is only one example, only god knows what happened seemingly randomly throughout the span of time. What happened to C14/C12 ratios during various asteroid impacts and such? ... no one knows, its all speculation and guesses, and due to confirmation bias the guesses are naturally aligned with what they want to confirm/prove.

So its a method that fits what the scientists using it want it to fit.

Comment Re:Error in the summary (Score 1) 132

Anyway, the main reason Id never recommend anyone use a microsoft browser is they are always tied to closely to the OS and just an easy gateway for malware.

In which way tied? In Windows 98, Explorer depended on the IE engine, but that's about it.

These days both IE and Edge run content in a hardened sandbox anyway, which malware will have hard time escaping.

Comment STOP! (Score 1) 192

Head lights that try to move and predict what I'm doing are fucking obnoxious and almost no use what so ever. My wifes car has headlights that turn with the steering wheel. They are nothing but obnoxious. They turn so little it does nothing but distract me and many times they are turning the wrong way from where I actually want to see when pulling a trailer and having to swing wide before turning the actual direction I want.

12 meters? awesome, so it can focus on the guy a half a second before I run over him at 60mph, SO USEFUL! And of course I want those lights randomly change directions to point at new objects while I'm driving rather than being consistent and not distracting me while at the same time pointing away from the things I probably actually want to see, like the road in front of me.

Just fucking stop trying to make things so smart, you're being really stupid.

Comment Re:disgusting (Score 1) 173

Swartz killed himself. Trying to blame the system for a guy who committed suicide before even going to jail just makes it clear you're completely out of touch with reality.

If you want to call someone an asshole, look in the mirror, its you.

And for the record, Swartz crime had nothing at all to do with the data he stole and everything to to with basic breaking and entering, your an idiot who would be fine with it because omg techie guy .... right up until it was your house he broke into to steal a connection.

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