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Comment Re:Full benefits & Full responsibility (Score 4, Insightful) 227

Payment in advance please.

Already paid, at least in the US. The US has been accumulating funds via taxes to do exactly as you demand since early days of Nuclear power. The nuclear industry, it's rate payers and their governments have already set the precedent you demand and paid the taxes you demand.

Nuclear waste is not a finance problem or a physics problem. It's a political problem, and the political problem comes from hysterical, low-information anti-nooks coupled with anti-energy, anti-prosperity libtards.

Comment Sad (Score 0) 54

The last place on Earth not yet polluted with Western style pop culture and consumerism. You would think that after 70 years of wholesome, commercial free living these N. Koreans would have lost their taste for soaps and TV dramas. It's almost like they're not satisfied with the indigenous culture of their great nation.

I think perhaps this isn't really a case of these good people debasing themselves with our media dreck. They are collecting this material for use in their world class education system. Course material for their uncorrupted pupils; "See little Jin? These Americans are in the last stages of starvation... their bellies have bloated so much they can no longer peddle their bikes and must use giant SUVs to do the bidding of their capitalist masters."

They're also collecting it as evidence. So you better watch out; when N. Korea finally conquers us all we'll have a lot to answer for, because they'll have the proof.

Comment Re:Should have been spelled out in the contract (Score 1) 133

Lesson learned for how to draw up future contracts, I guess.

That's a two way street, son. The contractor is hat in hand looking for more funds beyond the terms of the current contract. All of the contract terms are on the table, as they should be, when a contractor fails to perform.

Comment Re:Seriously NJ? (Score 3) 167

a PITA but oh well that's what careless IT admin buys you

Yeah. Careless IT people.

Nothing to do with unreasonable faculty demanding those peon IT people give them wireless and remote access to everything using their iphone/pad, android and infected eight different ways home peecee without the slightest friction or impediment. Probably has nothing to do with the IT budget that gets grudgingly funded only after the quarterly pension COLA bump and the administrative bonuses are paid out, ensuring the whole system relies on a wheezing 12 year old sonicwall appliance. That couldn't have anything to do with it. It's got to be those fools in IT.

On the other hand, the IT staff probably is the direct result of a hiring policy that has actual knowledge and talent waaay down the list of qualifications after race, sex, sexuality, disability and every other imagined grievance they can dream up. That and they're almost certainly terrified of touching the slightest thing lest they interfere with the $240k/year politically connected hypercrat in district HQ that spends nine hours a day surfing porn.

School districts in places like NJ are pretty dysfunctional institutions. Pinning this kind of failure on the IT peons alone is badly naive.

Comment the patience of the non-nuclear states (Score 1) 228

the patience of the non-nuclear states is wearing thin

That's and amusing line. These people are living in some kind of alternate reality where the Putins, Kim Jong-uns and nuclear armed imams of our world are standing around waiting for war crazed 'muricans to come to their senses so we can all mutually disarm because some pacifist hippy in Geneva said so. Just how far up your peacenik ass must you have shoved your head to actually believe the worlds nuclear powers are really going to indulge the `patience' of their client states?

Comment Re:Then ID would be required (Score 1) 1089

Name and social security number. Done.

That sounds good. Until you think about it.

The idea is to compel people to vote. Citizens will not be compelled without enforcement, particularly among the strata of citizens Obama doubtless has in mind here. Some kind of penalty is, therefore, inherently necessary — fines, whatever.

Anytime the state takes an enforcement action against a citizen it must achieve a high level of proof. Some pro forma, verbal "name and ss#" ritual won't cut it. One or more state issued ID, a signature and a record credible enough to use as evidence will need to be maintained. Our lawyers and courts will insist on no less.

So yes, mandatory voting would require strong voter ID. With that comes all of the "concerns" our left-wing malcontents have about the competence of their fellow constituents. And what goes on in some white-bread Scandinavian romper-room paradise doesn't apply; this is the United States where we breed two things in abundance; lawyers and scofflaws.

Comment Re:wait what? (Score 1) 416

When not governed by focused adults NASA evolves in to a "big science" clearing house; the "funder of last resort" for all things "science." In part this is because the agencies these projects should inhabit are huge lawyer farms with zero engineering capability and an active aversion for such. Allowing NOAA/USGS to fob these projects onto NASA only fosters this anti-pattern.

You see this pattern in other agencies as well. One learns from Madoff transcripts that the only actual mathematician the SEC involved in the investigation was a part-time adjunct professor — whom the lawyers studiously ignored. Same thing during the Toyota SUA hearings; the NTSB lawyers couldn't name an actual automotive engineer in their employ or cite even an approximate figure for how many they might employ. I still don't know if they employ any. All I know is that when they needed answers they called NASA....

Where overlap is inherent NASA can be contracted, but most of what Earth Science actually needs from space (satellite design, launch services, big data, etc.) is available at lower cost from commercial providers — approximately the same providers that launch satellite TV systems.

The climate fear mongers will never accept this. The truth is they covet the "NASA says..." credential. NASA is still perceived as a neutral agent, despite the best efforts of Hanson et al., so NASA generated science isn't as easily dismissed as agenda driven science from inherently agenda driven agencies.

Comment Re:Disconnect between ... (Score 5, Insightful) 283

And lack of demand for oil is due to economic growth?

Obviously not. The GP is inventing a narrative to fit his worldview.

The oversupply that has dropped oil prices is not due to lack of demand. The oversupply has been created by N. American independent oil producers that have absolutely flooded the market with non-cartel controlled oil. There is so much oil sloshing around N. America that they are having trouble finding places to store it. This activity, combined with an effective moratorium on pipeline construction, is why you keep reading news stories about oil train derailments, fires and explosions.

Crucially, this new supply of oil is not controlled by international oil cartels. Prior to the fracking boom, most oil production (on the order of 93%) was controlled by nationalized oil companies. These nations collude to constrain supply. The appearance of a huge supply of non-cartel oil has broken this arrangement and caused a price collapse.

Comment Re:JavaScript framework du jour (Score 5, Interesting) 91

In a month

Release 0.9.0 of Angular was 52 months ago and the appearance of the next framework that topples it will be the first. As a web developer, if you haven't actually used Angular for at least experimental purposes by now then you're an old fogy that's likely to get canned for someone more current.

Angular 2.0 won't trip up anyone and going with Typescript was a smart and pragmatic decision; the Angular team does not indulge NIH, apparently. That sort of humility and wisdom is both rare and a big part of the reason Angular remains popular. The tools that typical Angular developers use already integrate Typescript declarations for auto-complete, detecting errors, etc., and now that will just get stronger.

Google could have used their momentum and mind share to bull AtScript into yet another Javascript hairball. They could have and they didn't. That deserves acknowledgement.

So Typescript is the way. Microsoft has actually managed to contribute something they can't monetize to the modern web stack. How times have changed.

Comment Re:Anybody actually looking? (Score 1) 178

Is there anybody with real authority actually looking for this?

Who knows. What I remember is that the thieves actually exploited MtGox's system, as opposed to Bitcoin proper. Their system reconciled transactions independently from the public block chain for performance reasons. So it doesn't surprise me that there is no public record that can be investigated.

Operating Systems

The State of Linux Gaming In the SteamOS Era 199

An anonymous reader writes: It's been over a year since Valve announced its Linux-based SteamOS, the biggest push yet from a huge company to bring mainstream gaming to Linux. In this article, Ars Technica takes a look at how their efforts are panning out. Game developers say making Linux ports has gotten dramatically easier: "There are great games shipping for Linux from development teams with no Linux expertise. They hit the 'export to Linux' button in the Unity editor and shipped it and it worked out alright. We didn't get flying cars, but the future is turning out OK so far."

Hardware drivers are still a problem, getting in the way of potential performance gains due to Linux's overall smaller resource footprint than Windows. And while the platform is growing, it's doing so slowly. Major publishers are still hesitant to devote time to Linux, and Valve is taking their time building for it. Their Steam Machine hardware is still in development, and some of their key features are being adopted by other gaming giants, like Microsoft. Still, Valve is sticking with it, and that's huge. It gives developers faith that they can work on supporting Linux without fear that the industry will re-fragment before their game is done.

Comment Re:Speculation (Score -1, Troll) 28

My. How harsh.

At this point with ESA Rosetta we hung on the every utterance of ESA staff hoping for another update or photo, gushing over the AMAZING mission that was successfully launched and successfully flown to the successful asteroid where they successfully fired a probe that successfully unintentionally ricocheted off the rock but was successfully stuck in a crevasse and returned an ASTONISHING successful picture. OMGWTFBBQ IT'S SO COOL!!!!1. 15 stories over 2 months. Speculation. Blow-by-blows. The full monty, complete with feminist tee shirt outrage.

Some UCLA mope speculates about a bright spot in a photo and you jump ALL THE WAY down his throat and start kicking him in the kidneys from the inside.

Don't worry. There will be one, maybe two more stories about Dawn and Ceres and you can go back to sleep, happy to ignore those stoopid 'muricans and their 57 year legacy of space exploration.

Unfortunately for you, New Horizons will be popping up in a few months to annoy you with more stoopid 'murican NASA noise. It's about to fly by Pluto.

Sorry about that.

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