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Comment Re:Why doesn't Google just buy one of them? (Score 1) 236

Those companies are a nightmare. GM is a lender and healthcare provider with car manufacturing as a side business. Between the Treasury department, the NLRB and DOT the domestic manufacturers are practically quasi-government, and the part that isn't government is run by employee unions that do their level best to ensure failure every day.

People like Brin and Page want nothing to do with these legacy hell holes. They went to the meeting, got a big whiff of the stench, and walked away.

Comment Re:and paying the price too (Score 1) 461

Their solar deployment does successfully shave off a large portion of the the peaks of electrical demand during the the hottest part of the hottest days of the year, which makes for headlines that impress the naive. At all other times solar contribution is somewhere between small and negligible. And yes, this outcome does produce extravagantly expensive electricity.

As for the supposed shutdown of nuclear energy in Germany; Sweden has gone through the same process twice now, once after TMI-2 melted down and again after Chernobyl nailed Sweden with a heavy layer of radioactive isotopes. Initially the sound and fury of anti-nuclear activists in the minor parties in Sweden made a big splash and Sweden was supposed to decommission everything nuclear via public referendum. Eventually, as the practical reality of actually doing that weighed in the policy was set aside and nuclear now has sufficient and growing public support. Support that was apparently unaffected by Fukushima.

The same will happen with Germany; some uneconomic low-hanging fruit was shaken off the tree by Fukushima, and politically easy proclamations about the distant future have been made (similar to 10 year balanced budget plans in the US,) but as the day approaches and the reality of replacing the German nuclear base load supply with Russian gas, gigawatts of domestic coal expansion and French nuclear exports sets in the policy will probably be set aside.

Or not. Either way Germany won't be replacing its nuclear base load with solar panels, wind turbines and fictional energy storage systems in 8 years. That's pure fantasy.

Comment Baloney (Score -1, Troll) 710

Muricans that don't get enough sleep aren't not sleeping because they work too much. They're not sleeping because they're playing any one of a couple hundred MMOs and watching exabytes of Netflix videos in 20 hour Soprano's marathons and billions of hours of porn from tens of thousands of adult sites.

Work too much my ass. The parking lot where I work is mostly empty at 9:00 AM, mostly empty at lunch and mostly empty at 4:30 PM (earlier on Friday) and not a soul comes here on the weekend. They might do 7-ish hours a day, and probably 40% of that screwing around on the interwebs. The construction workers building the house next door don't start much before 10:00AM and they're long gone 8 hours later, never put in any weekend time, and half of them aren't even citizens.

The whole image of the 60 hour a week death-marching 'murican worker is a fiction. And their self-inflicted sleep problems have got jack shit to do with work.

Comment The environment anybody?????? (Score -1, Troll) 274

Wont this mean the river and atmospheres and everything in Alabama is BEING DESTROYED by CHINESE CAPITALISTS? The industry is supposed to be moving OUT OF THE US not in. We don't want your dirty contamination industry in our environments! Stop Chinese exploitation of our environments now!! Those rednecks little people were just fine in their trailers with SNAPEBTSSDI stuff. If they start working and earning money they might buy things and then they'll want to have a house and a car AND EVERYTHING to ruin the planet.

And screw Poe with his stupid laws

Comment What is he supposed to do? (Score 3, Insightful) 281

I'm evil incarnate and I'm about to punish myself on behalf of the Twitterverse

Ok... I'm cutting. I'm slicing my wrists right now

That was pretty deep. Blood everywhere. Hard to type

I'm so sorry. Your virtual money went to virtual money heaven and it's all my fault.

Getting dizzy now. cant..... focus

keyboard so sticky

i dndt thk that woold hepeen we tried too stipthem and it

i'm sorry

Bitcoin is not a place one goes to enjoy the protections of traditional state issued currency and state regulated banking. Twitter is not a place one goes to find sincerity. Slashdot is not the place to indulge your fake outrage.

Comment Re:Bets, anyone? (Score 3, Informative) 431

GM is approaching 50% foreign manufacture for the entire company. Their most popular trucks are 60% foreign now.

Lots of cars in the US already have Chinese parts. Japan has been outsourcing major drive train components to China for years. Chinese manufacturing is sufficient for automotive work. Even hotrod builders in the US use Chinese parts for legacy US designs; Scat and Eagle engine components are very popular.

Comment Special prosecutor (Score 5, Interesting) 347

We've got politically motivated BOLO lists, a political appointee hatchet-person taking the fifth, a government agency bullshitting the nation about "crashed" computers and "lost" emails....

There is a turd in here somewhere. Let a special prosecutor to sift through the IRS back up tapes, and subpoena all the other agencies for Lerner's mail. Let's find out why all these motherfuckers are stonewalling and lying.

It's personally offensive to me; to be told they can't recover the mail. I know that's bullshit. It's not even vaguely plausible. It's an insult to my intelligence and it deserves to be persecuted if only to expose and humiliate the fuckwits that have the temerity to make such a stupid claim. Letting that one slide just isn't tolerable. Let's kick open the door and find out what in the hell is going on here.

lost the emails............ I know that's bullshit and so do you.

Comment Stop making stuff up AC (Score 3, Insightful) 372

if you think any but a handful of emails that aren't sent to or from the a White House are required by the FRA to be archived

Having read the statute, prior to hitting my crack pipe, I see no such "White House" criteria.

You may read the latest revision of the IRS interpretation of the statute here, where you will learn that e-mail — all e-mail — that meets that statutory definition of a "record" must be preserved within either an "electronic recordkeeping system," as defined by the IRS manual and well beyond Lois's broken computer, or "must be printed out and placed in the appropriate record system." Any e-mail communication Lois made regarding the disposition of some non-profit's status would obviously have qualified as a "record" under the plain language of 1.15.6-1.

And yes, we do prosecute people for destruction of government records. Probably not the protected political appointee hatchet-people of the powers-that-be, but it does happen, because it's criminal.

Comment Re:Everyone's Personal Email Server (Score 5, Informative) 372

The Federal Records Act requires retention of records. That email is a "record" for statutory purposes is a long settled matter. Conducting government business on a system with a retention period of 14 days and no archive is a crime.

It's your banana republic government either deliberately neglecting their obligation to preserve or destroying evidence or both. There aren't any plausible alternatives.


Comment Re: This will hugely backfire... (Score 2) 422

a morally principled argument

One moral aspect I never see addressed is the tragic effect of draining Mexico, Central and South America of the youth that possess the courage and initiative necessary to act in their personal self interest. Immigrating to the US is a relief mechanism for the pressures of discontent that build in Mexico, South and Central America. If evacuating to the US wasn't an option I believe there would be better governments and better nations in place of the third world hell holes and cartel run kleptocracies we see today, because the young would have to deal with the iniquities of their home nations rather than cop-out and leave.

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