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Comment Re:wait what? (Score 1) 416

When not governed by focused adults NASA evolves in to a "big science" clearing house; the "funder of last resort" for all things "science." In part this is because the agencies these projects should inhabit are huge lawyer farms with zero engineering capability and an active aversion for such. Allowing NOAA/USGS to fob these projects onto NASA only fosters this anti-pattern.

You see this pattern in other agencies as well. One learns from Madoff transcripts that the only actual mathematician the SEC involved in the investigation was a part-time adjunct professor — whom the lawyers studiously ignored. Same thing during the Toyota SUA hearings; the NTSB lawyers couldn't name an actual automotive engineer in their employ or cite even an approximate figure for how many they might employ. I still don't know if they employ any. All I know is that when they needed answers they called NASA....

Where overlap is inherent NASA can be contracted, but most of what Earth Science actually needs from space (satellite design, launch services, big data, etc.) is available at lower cost from commercial providers — approximately the same providers that launch satellite TV systems.

The climate fear mongers will never accept this. The truth is they covet the "NASA says..." credential. NASA is still perceived as a neutral agent, despite the best efforts of Hanson et al., so NASA generated science isn't as easily dismissed as agenda driven science from inherently agenda driven agencies.

Comment Re:Disconnect between ... (Score 5, Insightful) 283

And lack of demand for oil is due to economic growth?

Obviously not. The GP is inventing a narrative to fit his worldview.

The oversupply that has dropped oil prices is not due to lack of demand. The oversupply has been created by N. American independent oil producers that have absolutely flooded the market with non-cartel controlled oil. There is so much oil sloshing around N. America that they are having trouble finding places to store it. This activity, combined with an effective moratorium on pipeline construction, is why you keep reading news stories about oil train derailments, fires and explosions.

Crucially, this new supply of oil is not controlled by international oil cartels. Prior to the fracking boom, most oil production (on the order of 93%) was controlled by nationalized oil companies. These nations collude to constrain supply. The appearance of a huge supply of non-cartel oil has broken this arrangement and caused a price collapse.

Comment Re:JavaScript framework du jour (Score 5, Interesting) 91

In a month

Release 0.9.0 of Angular was 52 months ago and the appearance of the next framework that topples it will be the first. As a web developer, if you haven't actually used Angular for at least experimental purposes by now then you're an old fogy that's likely to get canned for someone more current.

Angular 2.0 won't trip up anyone and going with Typescript was a smart and pragmatic decision; the Angular team does not indulge NIH, apparently. That sort of humility and wisdom is both rare and a big part of the reason Angular remains popular. The tools that typical Angular developers use already integrate Typescript declarations for auto-complete, detecting errors, etc., and now that will just get stronger.

Google could have used their momentum and mind share to bull AtScript into yet another Javascript hairball. They could have and they didn't. That deserves acknowledgement.

So Typescript is the way. Microsoft has actually managed to contribute something they can't monetize to the modern web stack. How times have changed.

Comment Re:Anybody actually looking? (Score 1) 178

Is there anybody with real authority actually looking for this?

Who knows. What I remember is that the thieves actually exploited MtGox's system, as opposed to Bitcoin proper. Their system reconciled transactions independently from the public block chain for performance reasons. So it doesn't surprise me that there is no public record that can be investigated.

Comment Re:Speculation (Score -1, Troll) 28

My. How harsh.

At this point with ESA Rosetta we hung on the every utterance of ESA staff hoping for another update or photo, gushing over the AMAZING mission that was successfully launched and successfully flown to the successful asteroid where they successfully fired a probe that successfully unintentionally ricocheted off the rock but was successfully stuck in a crevasse and returned an ASTONISHING successful picture. OMGWTFBBQ IT'S SO COOL!!!!1. 15 stories over 2 months. Speculation. Blow-by-blows. The full monty, complete with feminist tee shirt outrage.

Some UCLA mope speculates about a bright spot in a photo and you jump ALL THE WAY down his throat and start kicking him in the kidneys from the inside.

Don't worry. There will be one, maybe two more stories about Dawn and Ceres and you can go back to sleep, happy to ignore those stoopid 'muricans and their 57 year legacy of space exploration.

Unfortunately for you, New Horizons will be popping up in a few months to annoy you with more stoopid 'murican NASA noise. It's about to fly by Pluto.

Sorry about that.

Comment Re:Can this be fixed with technology? (Score 0) 241

"See, they are a bunch of infidels that deserve what they get!"

So, more of the same then? oh noes!

What these people say doesn't bother me in the least. But then, I didn't allow myself to be made into a self-loathing, oikophobic 'murica hater that quails in despair everytime some hate-filled atavist islamo-nazi — or one of their apologists — says something mean about me.

Harden the fuck up.

Comment Re:RLCs are not a big issue in this race (Score 0) 93

Yes, Emanuel will win this. Emanuel has Obama in his pocket. The campaign is running Obama's ad for Emanuel practically on a loop on Chicago radio. Obama is in Chicago right now stumping for him — multiple press events per day. Given Chicago demographics Obama is a trump card; those voters follow Obama without question.

I'm hoping for camera tech to improve enough where stop sign and crosswalk camera systems become feasible to install and manage.

I'm hoping for that as well. I'm hoping for cameras that monitor every square inch of your city to automatically enforce every whim and dream of your money grubbing public unions and their bought-a-paid-for politicians. You deserve it.

Comment Re:Thought process (Score 2, Insightful) 227

At least with the AT&T deal you can opt out, even if the terms are outrageous. Google doesn't offer any means to opt out, outrageous or otherwise. As to cost, I punch "google fiber cost per month" into Google's own site and $70/month for gigabit is the result. And Google's selective cherry picking of lucrative markets isn't any more egalitarian than anything AT&T is up to; let me know the next time Google wires up a violence plagued ghetto somewhere.

Seems to me that at worst AT&T is guilty of mediocrity; they've managed to do no more than achieve parity with Google, and maybe a bit better by offering an alternative to being a marketing product.

But yeah, don't let any of this diminish the lick-spittle outrage; go right ahead and hate all over AT&T all you need. That's what clickbait is for.

Comment Pelican Bay status updates (Score 4, Funny) 176

4:30PM: wrapping shank handle
6:00PM: meat balls cold noodles
1:00AM: hooked sum smokes from the line
1:01AM: i hate menthol
2:24PM: finished shank! check teh pic itz bad ass
4:01PM: lawyer sez my appeal isup next week. coolz
7:10PM: sharpen shank. it was sharp but lolz
9:00AM: powdered eggs again
1:15PM: emilio took the shank :( :( :( :( fucking hate that puta
6:05PM: meat balls rice

Comment Re:GOTO is a crutch for bad programmers (Score 1) 677

There are serious bugs in your attempt.

Both hasResource3 and hasResource2 are tested in the cleanup portion without having been initialized when at least one of of AcquireResource1() or AquireResource2() fails; they'll have some undefined value from the stack and Cleanup3/2() will be called inappropriately. This is true in both C, which has no 'bool' or C++, which does have bool, but won't automatically initialize it when auto.

The goto version does not involve creating the bool state variables and so avoids this subtlety. That makes the goto version inherently better, in my opinion.

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