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Comment Re:Not my list but.. (Score 0) 1027

Thanks, that list was the sort of thing I like to know about a phone beforehand but normally don't have, and between you and Missing Matter you've demolished pretty much all the things I would niggle at. Contact is up in three weeks, going to get a Lumia 900 next. I don't want a billion apps, I want to be able to call people, text them, take pictures of them and post about it on Facebook.... and all that to be simple.

Comment Re:Options? (Score 1) 687

Have a read of The Happiness Hypothesis. It's a good summary of recent advances in thinking on happiness, and well worth a read to see if there are avenues of thought you've not tried yet. Not claiming it's some miracle cure, but very though-provoking and well-written. For me, many years of anxiety and depression were massively helped by a 16-session course of CBT which I got into via a study into managing adult ADD. Good luck with your problems, they really, really do suck, and mental health is IMO the next big stigma society will face.


Submission + - UK Police Clueless On DNA Storage (

judgecorp writes: "Despite rules on what DNA data the UK's police forces can keep on file, most forces simply don't know what they have, according to a study. Only three British police forces can distinguish the DNA of those who were convicted of crimes, from those who were not even charged. The UK's Protection of Freedoms Act says police can keep DNA for three years unless a Chief Constable says it needs to be kept, but it doesn't seem the police are capable of implementing the Act."

Comment Re:Educate first. (Score 1) 1141

I agree with your view on food company execs in the future, wouldn't surprise me a bit. But I think they'll have company when it comes. And health care in the US is not only insanely expensive as a proportion of GDP, it's the number one cause of bankruptcies and a huge disincentive to entrepreneurs starting new businesses.

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